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"Jeon Jungkook?" Jungkook stared at the girl in front of him, scanning her features with detail. Yup, his eyes definitely recognized her very well. He had seen her a lot of times. That girl's face and personality is one really hard to forget, actually.
Her long jet black hair that fell just above her hips, her big dark eyes, her pale skin and her average height body. He definitely could recognize her. She was MaRi, (Name)'s best friend and roommate since, and even before, he met his friend five years ago. MaRi stayed the same as always (physically); she hadn't changed a bit since the last time his eyes had landed on her features, sometime before debut. He just hoped (Name) hadn't changed as well.
Jungkook bowed his head to the girl, who was still staring at him wide-eyed. "How have you been, MaRi noona? It's been a long time." The young boy greeted his noona, trying to not make it too awkward.

Instantly the words left his mouth and entered through MaRi's ears, her face did a dramatic change from a shocked expression to really pissed off. Her eyebrows furrowed together, making a deep and almost painful glare.  Her mind started working in a really aggressive and explosive way. She could feel how the rage took over her with every image of her precious friend asleep with her phone in hand, a wet face and a song Jungkook covered being repeated again and again and again. She felt even more enraged when she remembered hearing her friend's quiet sobs and a video of an interview were BTS had been invited. Also, she remembered all those times when (Name) would leave her homework aside just to watch a live performance or a variety show where BTS was supposed to show up at any moment. Or all those moments when she just stared at the picture in her phone, picture that had been there in all her four phone changes, as a permanent background. Replaying those memories in her mind made her feel like beating the hell out of the boy responsible for her friend's suffering.
Jungkook felt uncomfortable for a second, when her shocked face and eyes transformed into a deadly glare, obviously directed towards him. He was confused, had he said something that made her angry? He opened his mouth to speak, but was immediately interrupted by MaRi. "Why are you here? What do you want?" She said, in a harsh and very serious tone. The boy got surprised by that. He didn't remembered MaRi being so harsh and almost mean. She was always cheerful and sweet.
"I just came because I want to talk to-" "To (Name)?" She completed the sentence, and scoffed just after it, rolling her eyes away from him.
He came looking for (Name) now? You had to be kidding. He decided to come now, after two and a half years? This boy was such a thing. MaRi had decided to change his rank from asshole to cunt. He really must have balls to appear like this, that or he was drunk. She knew perfectly why he wanted to see (Name), but she wasn't going to let him.
"I know why you want to talk to her..." She folded her arms on top of her chest and let a long, heavy sigh escape her lungs, looking then at the boy with her best glare.
Jungkook frowned slightly, trying then to talk to explain himself in case she had misunderstood. "I-" "Don't you dare to utter other fucking word!" She shouted angrily, shutting the boy up without any effort. Her breathing had become accelerated, as well as her heart beating. His voice only made her angrier and she knew she was just containing herself from slapping, or more like punching him.
"Do you have an idea of how much (Name) had suffered because of you? Ha! Do you know how many nights she fell asleep crying her eyes out because you hadn't told her you had changed your phone number? Do you know how much she had waited for at least a fucking message or a simple letter from you? Do you know how much her mood had dropped? It is all because of you and you decide to come now! Because you just decided to be a coward and leave her just to prevent getting hurt, but you ended up hurting her instead! Ah yeah! I forgot. Because you were now an idol and all that fame just got into your brain and made you dumb and selfish! And you were about to tell me that you wanted to apologize. Am I not right?!" Jungkook started at her with wide eyes, breathing heavily, trying to process all those things MaRi had just blurted out. "You came here to apologize, not because you really mean it, but because the guilt is now killing you, because you know you hurt her! You knew it all the time, but you had to come now, just when the doors of having a better life without you had opened up for her. Don't you think you had done enough already? You are all the same, the fame, the money and the dumbness gets into your brain and you just think of yourselves, and don't even have time to think about others, you become selfish bastards. But you know what? Don't you dare to come near here one more time," MaRi walked toward him, poking his chest hard with her finger.
"Because I swear I'll make of that pretty face a piece of shit!" She shouted, realizing that her yells had caused the people in the near apartments to try to differ what was the commotion about. She pushed Jungkook out of her way and approached her door, unlocking and opening it. "You are not an asshole, Jungkook, you are a cunt." She lastly said, and closing the door behind her, leaving a paralyzed Jungkook standing there.
        Once the shouting ceased, the doors that had been opened to see what was happening, started to close one after the other until there was just a deadly silence. Jungkook was just there, staring down at the floor. The last words MaRi had blurted out just kept repeating again and again. 'You are not an asshole, Jungkook, you are a cunt.' That hurt. But maybe she was right. He had left (Name) aside two and a half years ago, but he just came here now, when he felt like he was sinking into his sea of regret and guilt. Maybe she was just starting to get over him, or maybe she didn't even wanted to see him again, or maybe worse, maybe she just hated his guts. And thinking he had been just a foot away from ruining her life once again. He couldn't let himself do that, because he had been too selfish, too ignorant. Now he could see it clearly; he had left her not because he feared hurting her, but because he feared getting hurt. He didn't do it because he loved her, just because he was too afraid of getting hurt.
MaRi was totally right; He wasn't an asshole, he was a cunt.
        His hand made its way to his cheek, wiping the lonely tear that fell down without his permission. He didn't deserve crying, he was in no position to do so.  The hurt, young boy started moving slowly, but then faster, and faster, and faster, and faster, until he was running as fast as he could down the hall and stairs. He was trying to retrain the tears, but they didn't had any more space, they had to get loose. It wasn't too much time until he had reached the lobby, running out the building without a single glance back.
        "Hyun-" "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU TAEHYUNG? You were supposed to get Jungkook back to the dorm an hour ago! We even had to tell manager that you had gone out to buy some medicine for Jimin!" Yoongi's voice was loud and clear, so loud that Taehyung had to take the phone away from his ear before he ended up being deaf.
        Yoongi was furious, but more than furious, he was worried. Anything could happen to them, and he didn't wanted to take the responsibility for it, since he was the one who suggested to let Taehyung look for Jungkook. But as well as Yoongi, the others were really worried. The boys were supposed to come back immediately after Taehyung found Jungkook, but they hadn't.
        "Calm down, hyung. We are okay, it's just that I decided to walk with Jungkook to cheer him up and let him tell me why he sprinted out of the room that way." Taehyung tried to remain calm and answer as less shaky as he could.
        "And what did he tell you?" The young adult released a deep and heavy sigh. He couldn't talk about it here. He knew he shouldn't say it, but if he wanted to prevent a future situation like this, he had to let the others know.
        "I'll tell you when we get there, hyung." Yoongi hanged up the phone after saying some other things, leaving Taehyung with the company of the street lights and a deserted sidewalk.
        Some minutes later, the sound of quick stomps reached his ears and seconds later, Jungkook's figure had passed in front of him at full speed. "Ya! Jungkook!" Taehyung stood up, running after the boy to try and catch up with him, but Jungkook was too far and way faster than him. He was starting to slow down, when he saw how Jungkook's feet entangled, making the boy fall forward, hitting his face and felt side with the pavement. He knew that would leave an ugly bruise that won’t show up until the next morning.
        "Jungkook!" Taehyung shouted in surprise, running toward his dongseang, who had just sat down on his knees. "Ya! Jungkook! Are you okay?" His hyung asked, bending down in front of him, and taking a hold of his face. He didn't missed the tears that fell down slowly, wetting the small cut that had claimed a space on Jungkook's jaw line. He wanted to ask what had happened, but that wouldn't do anything good. Jungkook seemed hurt enough, and reminding him of whatever had happened would make it worse.

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