How this will work

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Hey, guys! It's been a long time since I last updated. (One year and a half, almost. I'm very very sorry.) I am both sad and happy to announce that the chapter after this will be our last. I have been wondering on how to finish this, both realistic and satisfactory (this one is for for myself, tho), but I had been between two lines. The realistic and the kind of fantasy (but still probable) one. So, I decided to do both. One for those realistic ass people, like me. Who would not see a relationship like this being really functional. And one for those fluff lovers (also me) that just want to imagine a sweet life with the idol of your dreams.  (My mind is so messed up...)

  So, I'll be stating in the title, which is which, so you don't go and read the one you don't want to read. That will make things easier for you and for myself. 

  Well, see you there.

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