Twenty Three (Reality lovers Ending)

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Before we say goodbye, let go
But I'm lost in the maze of my heart
From stereo to mono
That's how the path splits

If my fate is to disappear like this, then this is my last letter
Penned words, written then erased
Feelings for you, so many to let go
Unpuzzle my lego
At a level where it can't return to its original shape
So be it don't cry
I'mma let you go and fly.

       Months had passed. Being patient had proven to be extremely hard. Waiting for his response, for ten minutes of a free time for him to breathe. This was not how  she wanted things to be. She had forgotten that even when she met him and got in contact with him again, he wasn't going to be that trainee boy she could see every day anymore. He was a full time idol now. He breathed, ate and drank his career, his fans, his lyrics, his interviews, his lessons and his own problems. No time for himself and for sure, not time for her. She couldn't blame him. She actually knew what she was getting into the day she met him agian at the art exhibition that changed her life for ever. 

    (Name) was now a college student and art teacher for those highschool kids who wanted to become great artists some day.

She worked hard and things were going well. Her efforts had paid a reasonable amount, keeping her busy at almost all times of the day. Meaning: when Jungkook had time to talk to her, she didn't have time to even talk to herself. 

 It was time for her to be mature and put an end to this. This couldn't go any further. She had to move on from her feelings.

  This was killing her.

This was killing her just as much as it was killing  him.

Hectic days, keeping myself busy
Distraction filled schedule
But I won't forget
Burned into the back of my mind like tattoo
We can't return to those days
If I could, I'd call your name
No… but I'll accept your blame
It really is time to say goodbye

Before we say goodbye, let go
But I'm lost in the maze of my heart
From stereo to mono
That's how the path splits
It continues

He wished things could go back to what they used to be. He wished he had more time, that the day had more hours. He wished he could go out whenever he wanted. He wished he could be better for her, but now this was too much. Still he didn't want to stop it. He wanted to continue loving her, but keeping her like this was selfish.

She deserved someone who could love her the right way. She deserved someone who could give her time and attention. She needed someone who could wait for her until late at night and have her something to eat. 

He couldn't do that. They had blown up around the world. Their schedule completely full. There was no time for even sleeping. 

He couldn't keep her anymore. 

"Good bye. And be nice to your mother. You know the only thing she wants is for you to be happy." Said (Name) while ruffling her student's hair. 

He looked up at her with a pout and nodded slightly, standing up from his seat. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, Seam" He waved and she did as well. 

She was now alone, left to close the place down. 

"(Name)." A familiar voice startled her from behind. She turned around to find Jungkook standing in the entrance of the room. 
"Oh, Jungkook-ah, it's you." She sighed, relief wiping away the worry. 

"I need to speak with you." 

Simple, but scary. And somehow, she knew what this would be about. She had thought of it herself. But there was no way to deny that this would be difficult and would more likely hurt. 

They sat at one of the tables, stayed quiet for a little bit. Until (Name) decided to speak first. 

"Don't worry, Jungkook. I know how hard this has been on both of us." She stated, seeing the look in her boys' eyes. "We need to stop, but that doesn't mean we have to stop being friends." 

The boy nodded, still not liking that they had to do this. But they were adults now. They had to make the right choice. "At least I'm happy we are on the same page." 

"It's rare when we aren't." She chuckled, feeling weight getting off of her shoulders. 
Jungkook stood and walked towards her. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her in for a hug. "You are still my best friend. I couldn't bare the thought of leaving you again." He smiled down at her. 

She smiled up at him. And she promised herself she would do her best to be the best friend in the world. 

Maybe something hadn't worked out, but he was still the boy in her heart.

Life without you is really unbelievable
But even so I still gotta go
To the person I loved too much
To the red thread that got too entangled in itself
I couldn't reach you, so I'll walk a separate path
For that reason I’ll say goodbye

At first every day is like that
Beyond the tears hidden in the rain
I’ll wait for you, let’s start over
So that in the future
I can meet you again with a smile

In order to release your hand right now
I gotta let you know that I need to let you go
Hard to say goodbye
But I can’t run
I’m ready to let go
I’m ready to let go
I’m ready to let go

The color of the sky we saw together
The scent of the path we walked down together
Don’t forget them

In order to release your hand right now
I gotta let you know that I need to let you go
Hard to say goodbye
But I can’t run
I’m ready to let go

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