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 "Butterfly~ Like a butterfly~ Butterfly, bu-butterfly choreom~" Soo Rin fangirled really hard when Jungkook started singing softly, grabbing her friend by the shoulders to shake her lightly. She was biting her lower lip while smiling gigantically, she couldn't believe she was finally going to meet these handsome and talented boys that had become her daily obsession. The young excited girl watched with awe as the members started singing with Jungkook a tiny part of 'Butterfly', mixing their tones in a spectacular harmony. It felt like being in heaven. 

  Yang Mi, who was just in front of her friend, was now starting to worry about the way her friend was tugging on her new BTS Suga t-shirt. Suga is bias, there is no way she can let that t-shirt get a single scratch on it. With a light tap on top of Soo Rin's hand, without needing to utter a single word nor giving her a look, the tensed grip on her t-shirt lightened. She sighed in relief, knowing her new shirt was now safe from any damage. 

"We're almost there!!!" Soo Rin stated, since there were just a couple of girls in front of them. 

  Her chocolate orbs scanned the platform were the members were sitting in total comfort, enjoying themselves and the short time they had to converse with A.R.M.Y. They were all smiling brightly, receiving gifts, high-fiving the girls once they were supposed to pass to the next member and some were even making silly jokes. They were sitting almost in age order. Namjoon was first, then Jin, then Suga, after Suga was J-Hope, who was posing for a fan-cam. Beside him was V and beside him was Jimin, laughing his ass out at his partner's scattered water. 

And then, there was her target. Jungkook. He was smiling sweetly at a girl who was talking excitedly to him about something that couldn't be heard because of the loud commotion everyone had down here. Yang Mi kept her eyes on him, watching with attention every interaction he had with his fans. By the way he was treating everyone, it was almost certain that he would accept to sign just one extra card. How much trouble it could cause him to sign just one extra card, right? It's to make an A.R.M.Y. happy.

    Bah, why was she worrying so much? He would obviously accept. He really loves his fans. Plus, Yang Mi has never met someone who knew more about him than (Name), so she could think she's his number one fan. That girl knew things that she had never heard or read about him before! Just as if she had known him since  her whole life. And when she asked how she knew that, the girl would always say: "I just watch him closely. If you keep concentrated, you'll catch it." But no matter how much she tried to watch him, no matter how concentrated she could be, she would never catch what (Name) said about him. She even got to think that her seat-mate was lying, but there was something in (Name) that made her believe it. She would talk about him so excitedly and sometimes even about his drawings. She had seen his drawings, she once said it and described them with so many details, but then all of a sudden her eyes winded and she shut up, causing the conversation to go to an end. She would even describe some of his reactions when it comes to a certain thing and that made her  wonder if (Name) had met him for real. If they had a past together or something like that. It was a strange feeling, really hard to express in words. But the thing is, she could sence sincerity in her seat-mate's words for some unknown reason.

  At last, it was time for them to meet the boys. She forgot about the Jungkook topic for a few moments while enjoying the time with the boys, asking for signatures and even getting to say encouraging words and complements on their looks. She met Suga! She couldn't believe  it and neither could Soo Rin, who fangirled every time she went to a different member or every time one of them offered her a big smile. 

 "Hello!" Jungkook offered a smile to Yang Mi, who was all smiley and still totally flustered because of Suga's compliment about her hair color -a bright mint-green, really alike to one of his past hairstyles-. She answered him the same way, bowing her head to him. 

 "Do you have anything you want me to sign?" She nodded, handing him her card. Once it was signed with what she told him to write, she smiled shyly at him. 

 She hesitated at first, but the words came out easier than expected. "Oppa, I have a friend who is your number one fan and she couldn't come, because today is the most important day of her life. And since she loves you so much I was wondering if you could sign one for her. So I can give it to her as a congratulations present." 

 Jungkook found himself smiling more than he previously imagined at what this girl was saying. It was rare for a fan to declare someone else as the number one, they usually declare themselves as the number one. He chuckled lightly, nodding his head in agreement. 

"Oh my god, thank you!" Yang Mi handed him the picture, thanking non stop silently. She was so glad he accepted with a smile and didn't felt forced to do it.

 "What do you want it to say?" Yang Mi thought for a few seconds, knowing she had to think fast, since there wasn't much time left.

"Um, Congratulations for your achievement..." The words faded once out of her mouth, she wasn't sure of what to say next. "Can you add something?" She asked him, worried it would be too long if she said something else.

"Okay, what's your friends name?" 

"Oh, I'll write it. She's foreigner, so maybe you won't catch it if I only say it." Yang Mi wrote the name on a stray paper she found somewhere inside her bag. "Here." 

 Jungkook took the paper with caution, making sure to not make skin contact with the girl. He dragged the paper towards himself and read it. 


 His eyes widened, and the smile that was once decorating his features disappeared almost instantly, replaced by an unreadable expression. The young boy shook his head, blinking a few times, not wanting to make it clear how he was feeling at the moment. Why was life so determined on reminding him of her? Did he had to suffer so much to pay for what he had done wrong?

  Jungkook tried to fake a tiny smile, starting to write on the card. '(Name), FIGHTING! Loves you sincerely, JungKook.' When he finished he handed the card back to the girl in front of him, just to find a pair of staring serious eyes prenetating on his own. The boy smiled at her, obviously, not genuinely, but more like awkwardly. She took the card from his hands and bowed to him.

"Thank you very much." That was the last thing she said before sprinting off of the platform as fast as she could. Yang Mi made sure to put the card in a safe place, while she waited for Soo Rin to finish. 

 His face. His face totally changed when he read (Name)'s name. What could that mean? Maybe they-

"Yang Mi!!!! I got a signature from all of them!!" Soo Rin interrupted her thoughts by jumping towards the thoughtful girl to embrace her friend in an excited hug. 

  Yang Mi started to laugh, knowing that Soo Rin will be like that for at least a whole year. If not two. 

"I know it is exciting, but I want to give this to (Name) before the event starts, so let's go."

"Aw! So early?!" Soo Rin protested, being dragged out of the place by her best friend. Both unaware of the staring eyes of a certain idol who had just been stabbed on his heart once again.

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