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He had been looking for her for the past thirty minutes, but there were no sings of her at all. It was just as if she had disappeared, like the way smoke disperses through the air when reaching open spaces.

There were no signs of her anymore, looking for her by his own would be a lot more difficult than what he had expected in a beginning. Also considering the rather small place they were in, it was supposed to be a lot easier to find her. But again, life tried to prove him wrong. 

 He walked around, his eyes cautiously observing his surroundings, putting a lot more attention to his ears, in case he could at least recognize her voice after so long.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he tried, he couldn't find her. He had given some circles to all the sides of the building, but was unable of finding her. This was the third time he walked by this same spot. 

"Jeon-ssi." Said a man, obviously conscious of who he was. The man had captured Jungkook's attention, making the boy shift his eyes to look at the slightly shorter man in front of him. "Are you looking for someone? I've seen you enter this room a few times now with the same expression of discomfort written in your face." The boy exhaled, nodding his head softly. 

"I'm looking for (Last name)-ssi." The man's eyebrows furrowed slightly, showing he was thinking. 

"You mean the youngest artist in alley 4?"

 The man asked, letting a tiny smile appear from behind his thin lips. 

 "Yes. Have you seen her by any chance?"

Hope was slowly creeping up to the young man's heart. If this man at least had an idea of where she could be that could help him find her, then this would be a lot more easy. 

 The man thought deeply for a few seconds, remembering a young girl in a red dress walking past here and towards one corridor he didn't exactly know where it was supposed to guide to. The man looked at the young man in front of him, reading desperation in his eyes. This boy must have something important to say to be so desperate to find her. "Yes, I've seen here.
She walked through that corridor at the end of the room. I don't know where it guides, but I guess that you'll be able to find her somewhere near there." 

  A smile creeped up from the deepest part of Jungkook's heart. Bowing to show his respects to the man and saying thanks, he proceeded to walk towards the corridor the man had signalled. The brown haired boy ignored the labels, going straight into the corridor and towards the colored lights passing through a glass door, glowing on top of the wall. He stopped in front of the door, looking inside or maybe outside? 

  He pushed the door open, a exquisite smell of roses hitting his nostrils. The smell was soothing, gentle and fancy. He looked around a little, taking in all the colors in the dim light of the moon and stars that shown on the place through the glass roof. He let himself look up to the sky, smiling at the beautiful picture of stars and the magestic full moon of the night.  He noticed the trail in front of him, which divided into two  more that guided to opposite sides. For sure, maybe she was here. 

 Jungkook moved slowly, hearing his own feet echo in the silence of the night and the interior garden. His eyes wandered around, until his feet stopped in the division of the four trails when he noticed a petite woman dressed in a beautiful red dress with her back towards him. Her body seeming relaxed as she contemplated the sakura tree a few feet away from her.  And then, his eyes matched the body of the girl with (Name)'s. He wasn't sure if it was her, it had been so much since he last saw her that he wasn't sure if she still looked the same.

Nevertheless, something inside was telling him that that girl a few meters from him was her. That girl was (Name). 

"(Name)?" The girl tensed up immediately her ears identified that unmistakable voice of the man speaking. Her chest hurt, while her heart pounded hard enough to make it hard for her to breathe properly. 

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