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   When (Name) woke up this morning she never imagined this would be the most overwhelming day of her whole freaking life. The girl was first speechless to see that MaRi had used a huge part of her savings just to give her the most beautiful red dress that could exist. That brought tears to her eyes, tears of happiness and gratitude. Then, when being at the exhibition, she realized that one of the people was actually her ex best friend and also her first love, which didn't end up that good.

At that moment she had tried to flight, to hide from him, but as always, life wanted to prove her wrong by putting her face to face with him. She found out that the person who had called her at almost three in the morning some days ago, saying sorry, was actually him. Jungkook said he was sorry, that he had left her behind hurt, turned apart and in doubt of herself, simply because he was afraid of getting hurt. But she didn't get to know why he thought he would get hurt if he stayed in touch with her, because then her trouble maker of a friend, Jin Won, appeared from nowhere looking for her and was currently giving a death stare to Jungkook.

A stare that she had seen many times, the stare he had always given to the people that ended up with broken noses, bruised eyes and broken lips. A thing that she would obviously try to stop. 

   "You..." Jin Won muttered bitterly, just by seeing the face of that boy brought a nasty taste to his tongue. His eyes were burying daggers on the boy sitting beside (Name).

Jungkook's eyes widened slightly at the tall and well built young man that was giving him the scariest glare that the (h/c)-ed girl had ever seen in all these years of friendship. Though Jungkook had no idea of who was the man glaring at him, he was sure that he did know very well who he was and was obviously angry. Jungkook didn't know Jin Won by face, but he did know him by name, since (Name) had talked about him various times when they were still in touch. So maybe if he heard his name, he would probably remember. 

Jin Won took a step towards Jungkook, causing (Name) to stand up from her seat in an alarmed way. She positioned herself with her back towards Jungkook, shielding him with her own body to prevent Jin Won from doing something stupid. (Name) lifted her hands warningly up to her chest, her eyebrows raising a little to warn her friend.

"Jin Won."

Her voice, just as her eyes, sent warnings, but his ears seems to ignore them, so he kept moving with his eyes fixed on Jungkook, who had stooden up already. Though, he paused for a moment when his friend's hands collided with his chest. He looked down at her with a hard stare. "Jin-" 

   "Move." Jin Won said, his nose twitching at the huge irritation he was currently feeling. Every lone of expression in his face showed pure anger, his features seeming dark and scary. She had never seen her friend so angry, this time, he looked genuinely raged. He wasn't responding to her on a good way. In other circumstances, he would have dropped the act and backed off already when hearing her, but this time he wasn't even close to that. He was actually warning her. 

"I won't move. You're not going to lay a single finger on Jungkook, Jin Won." She looked back at him with the same hard look he was giving her. Their faces so close (simply because of her high heels) that their noses were just centimeters apart from touching. She pushed him back, but he wasn't moving, his eyes were now fixing on Jungkook from beside (Name)'s head once again, ignoring her presence. 

   "Oh, yes I will. That asshole is going to receive the beating I have never given to anyone." Jin Won growled and the girl pushed harder, shaking her head. 

"No, you won't!" His hands took a hold of her by her upper arms, trying to move her to the side, but she shook them off and pushed him back as hard as she could. He didn't actually expect that, so he stumbled back, almost falling on his butt. "Do you know in how many problems you can get into if you even dare to put a single finger on him? We're at a serious event! Don't do something stupid that I know you'll regret later!" She practically shouted at him, moving a little to point back at Jungkook, who was behind her. Her arm bumped with his shoulder and being the clumsy human being she had always been, stepped on her dress and tripped backwards. 

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