Twenty Three (Fluff lovers Ending)

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I was lost, I was trying to find the answer
In the world around me
Yeah, I was going crazy
All day, all night
You're the only one who understood me
And all that I was going through
Yeah, I just gotta tell you
Oh, baby I


MaRi couldn't believe she was hearing laughter coming from inside of (Name)'s room. It had been so long since she last heard a genuine laugh from her that she almost forgot how it sounded like.  

     And even if she wanted to deny it and think that she had finally left the boy behind for good; she knew that the only one who could get her best friend to laugh like that again, to smile like she had  been doing lately, was Jungkook. Jungkook in his mere presence.

  At least her friend was enjoying her time, but if that boy ever hurt her dear like he did in the past... Well, she was just going to enjoy seeing the smile and be happy that she got back the one she lost. She was going to enjoy the closer version of the past (Name), but she guessed that this time, she was stronger.

 This time she hoped things wouldn't crumble, because if they did, her heart would too.

I could make it better
I could hold you tighter
’Cause through the morning
Oh you're the light (Oh)
And I almost lost ya
But I can't forget ya
’Cause you were the reason that I survived

You were there for me through all the times I cried
I was there for you but then I lost my mind
I know that I messed up but I promise I
Oh oh, I can make it right

 Taehyung observed how Jungkook went up to the mirror to adjust his shirt for the tenth time in the last hour. A small smile came to his lips for this reminded him of the pre-debut times, when the girl was just a mere 'crush'. It had been a while since he had seen Jungkook in this kind of light. He didn't get to see this anymore after the boy stopped talking about the girl altogether. But now he was back, all nervous, genuine.  

        He would just enjoy seeing that side of the old Jungkook for a little while again. It wasn't bad to remember good times. 

       "Tae, is he alright? We are just going home for the recess." Asked Jimin in a quiet voice, genuinly concerned for his maknae's well being. 

     Taehyung chuckled,  realizing Jimin hadn't seen this kind of scenario as much as he did back then. "No, Jimin. He will see someone before going home." The young man stated with a smile and Jimin smiled back. 

    "Okay, I can leave in peace now." He walked up to the nervous boy and gave a hard pat on his shoulder. "Fighting,  Jungkookie! Win her over!" He shouted while disappearing through the door. 

     Jungkook looked at Taehyung and let a big sigh escape his system. "I'm nervous." He said simply, looking mortified.
    "Yes, we can all see that." Taehyung laughed, hearing how the younger followed after him.

All right
All right
Oh oh, I can make it right

I, who became a hero in this world

The great cheer that searches for me

My hands, the trophies and the golden mic

All day, everywhere

But everything, all of this is to reach you

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