Twenty Two

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Four Months Later...

   (Name) walked down the corridor fast, MaRi closing the door softly after them and leaving the car keys inside the vase resting on top of the table. The scratchy sound of the slippers and the jingly sound of the multiple charms of the student's backpack were the only audible thing at that moment. Both of them were exhausted, so talking was not in their minds for now. 

  The young girl sighed once she reached the living room, shoving her backpack to the floor and slamming herself face first onto the big blue, comfortable sofa she loved so much. She moved her legs up and down simultaneously, trying her best to get rid of those annoying slippers that seemed to be infinitely attached to her feet. And instantly after she managed to get rid of those, her body let out another sigh, this time a sigh of relief.

"Do you want some tea, (Name)?" MaRi's head suddenly appeared from behind the wall that kind of divided the kitchen from the living room. A small smile playing on the edge of her lips as she watched the position her friend was currently resting in.

 In exchange for her question, she received a loud grunt from the girl on the sofa. "I'll take that as a huge, animalistic 'yes'."  She laughed, continuing with her tasks. 

The day had been totally exhausting. Today had been her first time giving drawing lessons to the high school students her teacher's friend had selected. Don't get it wrong, it was really fun, but they were a lot of students at the same time. She felt like a human expected to become an octopus. She had to be everywhere all the time. Boys asking for this at one side and other girls asking about this at the other side.

Disconnecting herself from a topic and  connecting her brain once again to what other student was asking was proven to be a huge task. Like an ability she had yet to master for her own well being.  

  Thinking, (Name) managed to turn so her back was finally resting on the sofa. Her hand went for her phone, introducing itself inside her pocket to try and fish it. Her fingertips felt the cold, hard material and grabbed it to take it out of the black hole. 

 Had Jungkook texted or called her by any chance?

 She pressed the home bottom, but when the phone flashed, there were no new notifications from the person she was thinking about. There were only two missed calls from MaRi, the ones she didn't hear when she was exiting the building where she had been giving the drawing lessons. A text in the 'Monster, put some Suga in the Kookie mix in Hope of giving it to the Victorious Princess so she can Chim Chim from happiness' chat that only her two friends and herself speak and send army memes and inside jokes. And don't judge her for the group chat name, it was Soo Rin's idea.  A notification from her art account and a few from her YouTube channel.

'So many, but none from him.' She thought to herself, feeling kind of sad, because the last time he called her had been around a week ago. Though, she knew she couldn't be asking around for much . He was taking time from his "free periods" to talk to her, sacrificing his sleep time for her. His life was being busier with every second that passed. She couldn't be around asking for things out of her reach, she had to stay behind the line. He would text her eventually, at least to let her know he still thinks about her or something like that. But she was still happy on how things were right now. She just had to stay calm and wait or text him wishing him for a good day or night. 

Yes, that was a good idea, actually. 
 She opened their chat and typed a short message that went like: 'Hope you are doing fine and everything is okay. Eat well, sleep enough and give your best. FIGHTING!' 

 "(Name), the tea's ready." Called MaRi from the kitchen, making the young girl stand up to go and grab her delicious and refreshing tea.

  "You did very well today, Jungkook." Said the choreographer while patting the back of his shoulder. A small smile forming on his lips.

  All the boys had gone for a break and something to eat, while Jungkook stayed and practiced a little more the new choreography they were learning for the new album realese this autumn. And while he did this, the choreographer seemed to watch him without him noticing. 

  The young male bowed to his elder. "Thank you very much." Those words really made him feel good, like his efforts were paying good results. 

 "It's just the truth. You are so much better now than four or five months ago, you even seem brighter and healthier. I'm happy for you, boy." 

 The smile in Jungkook's lips widened and his cheeks reddened considerably. He was happy and a little embarrassed by the man's forwardness. He didn't receive many complements like this from him and finally receiving them made him feel so good.
He really was happy. 

Things were going so good until now. His singing has improved a lot, as well as his dancing and concentration skills. His  relationship with his hyungs seemed to be refreshed ever since four months ago, when the walls that kept them apart were finally destroyed. And he was finally in touch with (Name) once again, after so long. This was the fourth month and they were doing just fine. He still had his days when he didn't have time to even breathe, let alone write or call her, but he was still true to his promise of not letting her aside once again. 

 "I'll see you tomorrow then." Said the man in front of Jungkook, patting his shoulders a few times before leaving. 

"Goodbye, have a nice day." The boy answered before the man exited the room. 


A sound coming from the only phone in the room grabbed his attention. It was actually his, so he went straight for it. 

"(Name)!" He chimmed with happiness, opening the message to answer. 

 His heart melted inside his chest when he read her short but still cute message. He didn't really expect her to message him, since she is always worried about bothering him or texting in very wrong times. Though, it made him happy to see she had been the one to text him first. 

 It was a shame, though. He had to prepare for singing lessons, so he didn't have much time to text her. He would only answer and then leave to get ready and continue with his busy life. 

 He texted her back: 'Everything is just fantastic and even more now that you texted me. :) Thank you for worrying. And I promise to sleep as much as I can, eat well and give my best. I can't call you nor keep texting, cause I have singing lessons in a few minutes, but I promise to try and text you when I have some time. Hope everything is okay for you too. Also, tell me how are your entrance test results when we talk again, okay? Ttyl, Bye, bye!'

  He pressed send and left his phone inside his pocket, grabbing his bag and running out of the practice room, not after sighing and taking a big breath. He still had a long, long day in front of him. 

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