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     My breathing was steady, my heart beat controlled and my thoughts blocked. My paint brush went up and down, brushing softly against the already painted surface of the medium size canvas placed in front of me. My eyes were moving fast across the whole painting, searching for the other spot I had to give details to. My eyes landed themselves on the waves behind the two black figures. My hand moved the paint brush to the glass full of dark water, rinsing it. I dried it and lowered it to my palette, where I mixed blue with white to obtain a lighter shade to use on the waves. The sound of the music blasted by my stereo was a faint background, making me hum unconsciously along with the familiar beat.

   Soon enough, I realized I needed a brush with a different shape to simulate the sea foam, so I rinsed it and placed it with the other ones. I looked for the perfect shape and when I was about to grab it a shock of electricity ran across my hand, wrist and arm.
“Ouch!” I whimpered, letting the paint brush fall from my hand and paint the floor, fortunately I had covered it with a plastic bathtub curtain. I rubbed tiny circles on the palm of my hand with my thumb, massaging the area.
   I knew what it was and what had caused it. I expected this to happen; it arrived late, though. I had been painting every day for an excessive amount of time, and it wasn’t going to do well to my nerves, obviously. Today I woke up at five in the morning and started working on giving the painting the last details since then. And now, it was five in the afternoon; a little too late if you ask me. I hadn’t eaten anything since I woke up and hadn’t spoken a single word to MaRi-ah in more than 24 hours straight. So considering all of this, I knew I needed to have a rest from so much painting and make time for myself.
     My body stood up, turning off the stereo and sighing in relief. My feet lead me out of the studio and into the bathroom, where I took a nice warm shower. I washed the dry paint off of my skin and watched how it mixed with the water until disappearing completely. After I covered myself with my towel I got out of the bathroom and went directly to my room. I picked something comfortable but very warm, since it was really cold outside. I grabbed my long, beige sweater, my favorite jeans, my winter boots and for the final detail, I put my favorite pale-pink beanie on. The same one Jungkook gave me as a gift for my last birthday together. I didn’t bothered using makeup, it was actually too much of an effort. I was just going to relax. Finally, I grabbed my wallet and walked out of my room.
     Maybe going to the coffee shop and drinking some coffee while reading one of my most recent acquisitions “Immortal Beloved” would be a great idea. It was October, why staying inside?
“MaRi-ah, I’m heading to the coffee shop. I want to drink some coffee and relax. Also, I’ll be out for a couple of hours, so tell me if we need something and I’ll go to the grocery store.” I told MaRi-ah, who was laying on the couch with a can of Coca-Cola and a giant bag of Doritos. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and her thin body almost completely exposed, but it wasn’t a strange sight for me, like we have been living together since always. She looked at me and stood up from the couch with an instant hop. I chuckled, moving my head side-to-side.
"Yeah! You must take a break! Look at your fingers!" She said, grabbing my hand to show me. I looked at them and for the first time, I noticed the callosity I had developed in only a couple days. "Go! And have fun! I can't go with you even if I wanted, though." She made a cute pout but a smile appeared almost immediately. "I'll go with Yukio to eat today. But bring milk, eggs, butter, and detergent for the bathroom and Nutella." I laughed at her face when she said 'Nutella'. I can't judge, I also love Nutella.
   I was happy for her. She had finally found someone to spend her time with besides me. Yukio is a cute Japanese boy that was transferred to our school last year, and he caught her attention since then. He became close with me, and I helped him to get closer to her. And now they are a cute couple. I really hope that keeps for a long time, because they really look good together and to be honest, I don't want my efforts to be worthless. You know how much takes to pair a shy boy with a girl like MaRi? It was mission impossible, but I somehow made it. Don't ask me how, though.
"Okay. I'll bring it, but don't wait for me to be early, because I'm going to read." I said, a smirk instantly forming onto my features. She shook her hair lightly while chuckling. She knows what happens when I read.
    MaRi-ah walked to the couch and slammed herself back onto it. She lifted her head toward me and smiled, gesturing me to go with her free hand, and so I did.
     The air was really cold outside. The wind collided with my cheeks, making the hairs of my body rise into goosebumps. I hated it, the feeling was horrible. The puddles in the sidewalk were made ice and I walked with caution. I didn't want to fall and injure myself. I had a good grip on my book, the one I was planning on reading once I arrived at the coffee shop.
Oh! That reminded me that I had to put my alarm. If I didn't I knew that I wouldn't get out of it in the right time and I would go back home without the things MaRi-ah asked for. And let me tell you that not bringing MaRi-ah's Nutella home was exactly like making a death wish. I didn't want to die.
"Hello (Name)-ssi." Beak So oppa greeted me with his usual, charming smile. I smiled back, getting closer to the counter to talk to him a little. I'm used to this. I have come so many times before that I know every single employ that works here.
"Hello, oppa. How's the thing around?" He sighed, turning around to prepare my usual coffee.
"I guess it has been a little slow this past few days."
"Don't worry. It'll get better soon. This is an awesome coffee shop, I can't see why people wouldn't come here." He turned around and smiled, nodding his head at my statement and handing me my coffee. I paid for it and sat beside the window. I opened my book and started reading, taking tiny sips of my burning coffee once in a while. I forgot about the whole world and I was actually glad about it. Well, if I had any space in my head for other thing than the book.
Third POV:
    Now that (Name) was out and MaRi had completed her task, which was staying inside until her friend went out for a while, she was going to have a good time with Yukio. Now she could go in peace, since she also knew that (Name) was going to bring the things they needed.
   Poor (Name). She had been working so hard on her paintings, especially on that one she was currently doing. It really surprised MaRi how many details the girl was putting on the painting. It was like if she had zoomed the picture and caught a tiny dragonfly flying beside the figures and painted the tiny point that was supposed to be the dragonfly beside the figures. (Name) was putting too much effort on the painting, so much that she hadn't even had all her meals and MaRi could swear that her friend had losed a lot of weight. What else could she expect? Almost two weeks with only the smell of paint and the taste of toothpaste wasn't going to help her much. At least her friend had drank water (because she would get in the room and place a glass with water all the time).
   MaRi looked at her reflection in the mirror, applying some red lipstick to her lips as the last detail. She sighed, turning around to grab her jacket, she wasn't planning to suffer any type of cold. The girl shoved her feet into her high heels and headed to the front door, turning the handle and opening it. She stepped outside and locked the door behind her.
'(Name), I'm heading out now. I'll be back before eight, even though I know you won't be here by then.' MaRi sent the message to her friend and seconds later she received the answer.
'LOL XD Have fun with Yukio. Oh! And say hello for me, okay?'
MaRi chuckled at her friends reply, sending a message back and shoving her phone back to her pocket.
(Name) was such a special person indeed.

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