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"Oh my God!! I'm so excited!" MaRi watched her friend run side to side in the search of the things she needed. It was so cute to see her like this, practically jumping of happiness.

 MaRi breathed deeply, retaining the tears that were threatening to fall. She didn't want to cry in front of her friend, and less in her most important day. But, it was so difficult. It has been so much since she last saw this kind expression on her friend's face. It had been two and a half years since she had last seen that spark of happiness appear in her eyes. She felt so glad, so happy, so nostalgic at the same time. She didn't want that expression to disappear from (Name)'s face. She looked so innocent, so genuine, so unhurt, so pure. MaRi couldn't resist the tears of happiness that were there, just at the edge of her eyes. 

  "(Name) I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back in no time." MaRi said as she stood up from her friend's side, who was excitedly preparing the beautiful dress she was planning on using tonight. And to top it off, it had been MaRi who chose it for her, which added extra tears to her eyes. Her (Name) looked so in love with something she had bought without her knowing a single thing about it. It had been a risk, there was a huge chance that (Name) didn't like it, but she did and now she was all excited because she was going to wear something that her unnie bought for her. 

 MaRi walked fast until reaching the bathroom, closing the door behind her and making sure to lock it. She breathed a few times and then she let the tears fall slowly. She sat down with her back rested against the door and put a hand on top of her mouth to suppress the loud sound her sobs made. 

  (Name) had become her best friend, her little sister even. She remembered that first time she met her. She was so cute, maybe ten years old. MaRi's mother was going to be her legal tutor for the time the girl decided to stay in Korea. At first, MaRi, who was still only eleven-years-old, didn't like the idea of having a foreign girl, who she didn't know a thing about, living in her house and using her things. It wasn't something comfortable for her, but with the time she learned to enjoy her company. 

(Name) was a cheerful girl, always smiling or laughing. She would always do anything to make other people smile and that's why MaRi loved her. When she had her problems with her mother when she was in her last year of middle school (Name) became her principal support. That's why when she decided to move from her house she did all she could to take (Name) with her. Fortunately, her mother accepted and would always keep an eye on (Name), since she was still her responsibility. They became even more close when they started to live alone together and she was glad. They became so close that she forbid (Name) from using unnie with her, just calling her by her name was okay.

   This is why she feels so angered towards Jungkook. He snatched that happy and cheerful (Name) from her hands. She would even be jealous of him, because the girl would spend more time with him than with her, but she had never said a thing because her friend looked so happy, always arriving home with a smile. She practically  swallowed her jealousy, because of the fact that her friend was smiling and then he made that awful thing to her. It caused so much anger to boil inside of her. She hated to just presence the way her friend started  to fall without being able of doing nothing. How could she fight against a broken heart? How would she fix it? There was no way. And she surely hated feeling so powerless, so useless. (Name) had helped her so many times, cheered her up when she felt down. She would always manage the way to make her smile and forget why she was feeling low or angered. Yet, she couldn't do the same for her. She even hated herself for that at times.

 "MaRi? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" MaRi gasped softly when she heard (Name). 

'Were my sobs that loud?' MaRi asked herself, whipping the tears away and standing up. She looked herself in the mirror, trying to calm down enough to at least get away with it.  MaRi opened the door and smiled to (Name), who was nervously waiting for her. 

"I'm okay, (Name). I'm just too excited." She said, which wasn't a complete lie. A side from being nostalgic, proud, sad and happy, she felt excited.

 (Name) smiled sadly at her, knowing exactly why she was crying. She had been living with her for so many years that it wasn't impossible for her to practically read her mind. She moved slowly, embracing her elder's body. "Everything has always been alright. Don't you cry for me. Today's a good day, let's just smile together." 


   "Should we ask for a sign for (Name)? It would be a good congratulations present." Yang Mi wondered while making the line to meet the boys. Soo Rin was closely behind, giving little, excited hops to prevent herself from screaming out of pure happiness. Yang Mi, looked for an extra picture of the members, one of Jungkook specifically. She knew how much (Name) likes him, like she had seen all her notebooks and text books. She had them decorated with all the members, but the ones that were left without any decoration had their faith determined already. They would obviously be decorated with Jungkook or something related to him. Something like the drawing of a cute cookie with eyes that had a bubble with "Kookie" written in it. Or maybe just his quote or funny things he had once said. The thing is, she had many things related to him that her love for him was just evident. 

   Yang Mi turned around with a picture of Jungkook in her hand, showing it to Soo Rin, who was too immersed in her own thoughts to notice her friend.  Yang Mi clicked her tongue in annoyance, hitting her best friend on her forehead with her index finger. Soo Rin snapped out of it, looking directly at the picture her friend was holding with a confused expression. The young teen smiled, moving closer to explain herself. 

"I'm planning on asking for a signature of Jungkook as congratulations present for (Name)." 

"Oh! That's a great idea! But you think he will accept?" Soo Rin wondered, not knowing what could happen. Yang Mi shrugged helplessly.

"It's better to be rejected than staying with the doubt." Her friend nodded in acknowledgement, her friend's words were wise ones. 

Yang Mi turned around, praying he would be kind enough to accept. 

Well, she was just maybe halfway of finding out.

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