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I growled from under the covers, twisting and turning in a really sleepy and irritated way. My legs entangled with the covers, making me feel a little too uncomfortable compared with how I used to feel some minutes ago. "Shuo ub dammet!" I muttered angrily, so sleepy that it sounded almost as if I were saying incoherences. Considering the fact that I was actually trying to say "Shut up dammit". 


I growled ten times angrier than before, throwing myself into a sitting position. My eyes made a tiny crack, from where I tried to look and catch that stupid alarm clock that wasn't letting me have good rest. I fought against the too bright light, but I got to spot it. I moved my hand slowly towards the beeping thing and when it was just under my range of touch I slammed my hand on top of it the harder I managed to. It finally shut up and I released a satisfactory sigh, letting my head fall to my pillow once again. I fought a little with my still entangled legs, but I just decided to leave it like that. I just wanted to sleep and that wasn't going to stop me. I closed my eyes and almost immediately I started to fall asleep once again. My mind was going blank and my body was starting to relax, when...
"(Name)!" MaRi's voice shouted my name, accompanied with the loud thumb of the door being slammed against the wall beside it. I woke up, startled by the sudden surprise. I screamed too, instinctively trying to stand up, but I had forgotten that my legs where tangled with the covers, so all I did was end up falling from my bed looking like a giant burrito. I heard MaRi laugh at my mess, and I whined because of the tiny pain that started to rush up from my butt. 

I started to try to get out of that mess of mine, but it was a little harder than I thought since a beginning. MaRi noticed my efforts and kneeled beside my fallen figure to help me take the covers off of me. With her help I managed to free my legs and stand up with pain in my back and butt, both caused by the previous ridiculous fall. 
"You have school today, darling! And if you don't hurry up, I won't be able of dropping you on time before I go to college." My eyes widened at the realization. I had totally forgotten about school. I ran toward our bathroom and took a quick bath. I wrapped myself with a towel once i finished and went to my room, where MaRi was sitting on the edge of my bed, waiting for me. She started to talk about how much I would have to dedicate to my studies when I enter to college, while I tried my best on putting my uniform on in record time. 

I bottomed my long sleeve white T-shirt and put on the black jacket with the school logo. I slid my black skirt on and my under knee white socks, shoving my feet into my shoes just after that. I brushed my hair, doing a high ponytail. At last, I grabbed my backpack and headed to the kitchen with MaRi beside me. I grabbed a granola bar and a 'caprisun'. I was going to eat at school, not now. We walked out of the apartment and went directly toward the parking lot, where we got inside the car and MaRi drove me to school.

"In the news they said today's going to rain, so take the umbrella." I looked at her with a questioning look while she handed me her purple umbrella. Wasn't she supposed to grab me after school? She noticed my expression and without needing a word, she caught what I was asking. "Sorry, I won't be able to drive you back home after school. Nor taking you to the gallery. My professor decided to give us a test tomorrow and I'm going to study with Eun Yeong-ah." 

"Oh! Kwenchana. I'll do it myself then. Study hard!" She smiled to me and nodded her head. I turned around and walked towards the entrance with ten minutes left to enjoy my breakfast.

• • • 

I was about to fall asleep.

School had been so boring, so boring that I couldn't resist but to fall asleep in my second lesson. This was my third, and I had the same amount of sleep attached to me. My eyes hurt and my brain was having a hard time trying to pay attention and understand at least one of the words Mrs. Kim was saying there in front of the class. I was so sleepy that I told my classmate if she could hand me what we had written, because I couldn't even writhe properly. 
Last night I couldn't sleep very well. First, because I had arrived home really late. And second, someone had called me at almost two in the morning. And that person apologized to me. To be honest, I couldn't take his voice out of my head. I didn't hear it very well, since it had been just a whisper, like if the person had only wanted me to know that he was sorry and not identify him by his voice. But it intrigued me in a way I couldn't describe. I don't remember someone that should apologize because of something he/she did to me. The only person that would come to my mind, and even though I think of him I wouldn't really need an apology, was Jungkook. But I know he would never call me. After two and a half years? He must have forgotten that I even exist, well let's just be realistic. He won't forget who I am, but he would surely forget my phone number. So that would be an obstacle, also even if he wanted to apologize, he would never find my phone number, since he doesn't have anyone to ask. 

But if I'm honest, I would be happy if it had been him. I just miss his voice so much. Well, I know I hear his songs everyday, I watch their videos and all of that stuff, but it has been so long since he had spoken to me. I miss our conversations, ridiculous ones if I have to describe them. I miss our tiny discussions, our tiny secrets. I miss to talk to him when I'm stressed, or nervous or just because I'm bored. He had been a pilar in my life. He and MaRi were the pillars that supported my life. I still have MaRi, but not like before. Now she's in college and has a boyfriend, so her attention isn't completely towards me. That leaves me practically alone now that I don't have Jungkook by my side like I used to. Everything has become so hard for me since he left, or more like since his debut, because he started to slowly get away from me since then. 

But I'm still alive. New doors had opened up to me. Now I can do whatever I want with my passion and talent from now on. I'll be able of becoming a professional painter in my near future. I know it. The exhibition in the gallery is just the beginning of my career. And I'm going to keep on with it. I'll become what I wanted since a beginning. I'll become the person Jungkook always cheered me to become. A professional, a majestic painter.

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