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Jungkook's  heart melt at the look (Name) was giving him just before he gave her a sad smile, just as if she was pleading for him to stay. She didn't say anything, so he couldn't find the courage to say something himself. And just if he had gained it, what would he have said? There was nothing he could say that wouldn't make the situation more uncomfortable than what it already was. So, he just unlinked his index from her pinkee finger and his sad smile faltered. Fading away slowly as he turned around to walk towards the other six males waiting for him at the entrance. 

 "Let's go..." Jungkook whispered, not stopping by the males and just passing through them with the saddest face they had ever seen him wear before. His head was rather low, his shoulders sunken forward slightly and his hands were placed now inside his pockets. 

 They all exchanged glances, knowing now for sure that (Name) was the reason of his sudden changes in mood from a few weeks before. The simple gesture they had caught the boy doing told them more than what million words could. They had known since trainee days that the boy had a crush on the girl, but they had thought that he had moved on due to the issue of becoming an idol and not having time to talk to the girl anymore. Also considering the fact that he had never mentioned her anymore since two and a half years and neither had they, until Taehyung brought the topic to discussion that day.  Something in Jungkook's face had been wrong since that day forward and even much more before that day. He wasn't the same boy from trainee days, but they had thought it was just normal for him to change, since he was just sixteen by the time they started crawling up to a better career. Everyone changes, and they thought that the fame, the little time they had for themselves and the stress were the things that had made him grow to be that way. He was still a sweet boy, a much more mature boy for what he was before, but they had noticed something wrong. And here it was. They had finally found it. 

   The males followed the boy to the van quietly and the ride was kept the same way. They all were tired and just wanted to have a time to breathe properly without cameras, microphones and eyes being pointed at them. Every single one of them gave relieved sighs, sinking further into the seat to find comfort. The ride would take at least twenty minutes, since there was a lot of traffic even though it was almost midnight. 

  Jungkook sighed frustratedly, resting his forehead against the window as his eyes watched the lights of the buildings pass before his face while the van moved across the town. 

  Why was he always like this? Ever since he met her, he had never been able of saying what he really wants to say no matter how confident he felt sometimes. His heart always seemed to want to fly out of his chest and his fingers would tremble most of the time, not mentioning also the sporadic sweating problems he would have. He had seen, that no matter how much time he could have been away from her, she would always make him feel the same way. He would experience the exact same symptoms he would get while being just fifteen, when he was still in constant communication with her. And now, seeing her one more time, making him experience those once again, made him want to go back in time and tell himself to never get the stupid idea of leaving her aside. 

  When the boys arrived a few minutes later, started to fight for who was going to take a bath before who. So, they just decided to play rock, paper, scissors to just make it fare for everyone and for Jungkook's bad luck, he was the one who lost the game. (Not that some of the boys had cheated, no, no. Never) 

  Jungkook sat himself in the living room, waiting for everyone to finish so he could finally take a shower and slam his body against the matters until the next morning.

The minutes passed and he grew even more tired, not noticing that none of the other six members were sitting one by one on the couches, staying silent and observant. His mind was just out of this world for the moment, just thinking about a way to possibly see (Name) again, and also just thinking and asking himself when would his hyungs finish so he could finally wash himself. 

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