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        Jungkook exhaled for what seemed like the hundredth time in the course of just a few stray minutes. The young man scratched his cheek gently, closing the eye closer to it. He looked around once again, noticing that the fan that had just passed him was the last of the day.  He thanked silently inside of himself, passing a hand through his recently dyed hair. He wasn't feeling that well at the moment.

         He felt so exhausted, so much more exhausted than what he could had ever felt in his whole life. Well, he wasn't that physically exhausted,  because he was doing barely anything aside from signing mini post-cards and pictures, reading some letters, giving high-fives, doing aegyo, singing maybe, and talking to his fans. But perhaps the mental exhaustion, to which he had been subjected after suddenly remembering his past, thrown to his face so many times in just a few days like a stinging slap, was starting to get some reprimands against his body. Also, his family came to his mind now more than ever, making him feel kind of alone and longing. Longing to see them and expressing how much he misses them and loves them. Everything was piling up inside of his heart. Seeing his hyungs getting easily frustrated at the songs that were being produced for the new album was also stressing. Learning new choreographies and practicing an approximated amount of ten hours per day was tiring. Even though he tried to communicate as much as he could with his hyungs, there were always lines inside his brain that limited the conversation topics, just as (Name)'s.

        That one spot was one of his most delicate spots. The person that accompanied him through his passage in trainee days, the talented person with whom he made such beautiful memories, painted so many landscapes and laughed until his stomach ached. That person who did his heart pound harder than whatever other thing in this immense world and the same person that he had left behind for no other reason than fear, fear of getting hurt. Not really noticing the fact that it wouldn't only hurt him twice, but that he had hurt that person he 'loved', if he even should have the privilege to say such thing.

        Every single one of these things, everything together, were making him feel as if he had no more strength to think, he was actually kind of perturbed just to think that the night was close and his time to get to sleep as well. Why? It's actually really simple, because aside from having this life-type of thinking when he was bathing, he also had this thoughts the most when he had finally finished with his tasks and was supposed to have a time for his brain and body to rest. But apparently, that wasn't what was wanted.

        "Jungkookie? Kwenchana?" Jungkook was slightly startled by the sound of Jimin's voice coming from beside him with an almost inaudible tone. The young man deducted right away that his hyung was talking directly to his ear and that was why he could manage to hear him even though the place was actually really noisy. 

        Jungkook turned his head slightly to look at his shorter, but precious hyung with a fake smile.
"Ne~ Kwenchana." He observed how Jimin's worried stare intensified when he lied. He knew, he knew he was lying and that his almost perfectly dominated fake smile was definitely a way to try not to make him worry about his current state.
       "Geojitmalhajima, jinjja! (Don't lie, really!) You've been lying to us about being alright all this time. And we know Taehyung knows something, but he won't tell, because he respects your decisions. But don't you think it has been enough of keeping silent?" Jimin told him calmly, and slyly enough for A.R.M.Y to not notice the light tension between the two members. 
        The maknae stared at his hyung with slightly wide eyes, he had never imagined he would confront him in a place like this and less in this kind of event. But as expected as Jimin, being so unexpected as always, had done it. Jimin stared back, still waiting for some kind of response from his donsaeng. It was okay for him if he didn't say anything at the moment, because to be honest, this wasn't the best moment to ask about it, but still just a nod from Jungkook would be enough for him.
       "Jimin-ah! Yeogibwa! (Look Here)" Namjoon called Jimin from where he was standing on the stage with the Yoongi, Jin and J-Hope, just in front of the tables they were sitting at. Using his hand to gesture Jimin to go to the front of the stage with him, Jimin stood up slowly. " Ppalli, waseo!" Namjoon told to the Jungkook and Taehyung as well.
        They all stood in a line, talking for a few more minutes and then saying goodbye with big smiles and lots of  "Kaep JJang!" (LOL), and sending heart shapes to the audience, going then to the back stage. 
      Everyone walked silently through the slightly narrow hallway, they were tired indeed. It had been a long day and there was still another important thing to complete in their schedule. But even though the boys were silent, Jimin was desperately trying to get closer to Jungkook and receive some kind of gesture, since they had been interrupted by Namjoon out there earlier. But as he saw, the hallway was narrow and he was all the way to the end of the line and Jungkook was: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine people in front of him.
    Jungkook was the first one to go in the room, slamming himself on a comfortable chair he had found just when they arrived in the morning. The boy grabbed a coat that was lying on top of another chair beside him and put it under his head, using it as a light pillow and throwing his head back, finding a comfortable position. He proceeded to put his arm on top of his eyes to block the blinding lights that shone just above his face. 
   When Jimin got the chance to enter the room, after being stopped by one of the make up noonas for a few minutes, Jungkook was already in another world, not caring about his surroundings at all. Jimin sighed in frustration, passing a hand through his hair, just a habit of his. Maybe he could ask the maknae again when they had some time to talk. 

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