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"Shouldn't we ask Jungkook about it, instead of stressing here talking about something we can't comprehend?" Asked Hoseok, searching for some ways to lower the tension that could be felt inside the room full of serious members, or more like, lower the tension irradiating from the serious member's bodies. The fact that they didn't know even half of the problem was driving them crazy. They wanted to know what was the issue between (Name) and Jungkook. They were just too worried about Jungkook's mental, emotional and physical health. They needed/wanted to know for the band's own good. 

By hearing Hoseok's question, Taehyung snapped his head toward his hyung, stretching his arms in front of him and waving them hysterically, his head following along and his lips parting from each other in a kind of panicked expression. "Anni, anni, anni! We shouldn't put pressure on him to talk about it if he isn't ready to tell us. If he haven't, it means that he doesn't feel comfortable with us knowing. Let's just wait until he tell us by himself. He has enough pressure with his job and the problem already. I guess he just needs time." The others looked at each other, nodding their heads slightly at Taehyung's way of thinking. They knew he was right. Putting pressure on Jungkook would do everything harder for the young boy. 

"Okay, let's just wait. But, if he tells some of you, promise you will tell the others even if you aren't supposed to. Maybe we could help him with it." Said Namjoon, while the others sighed silently, crunching themselves against the chairs they were sitting on. Taehyung looked at the others some moments later, and a single thought crossed him mind: 'They look awful...' 

It kind of surprised him. Along all this years he had seen the boys in their worsts times. He had been living with them for more than three years, he had seen a lot already. He had seen black bags under their eyes, acne marks on their cheeks, broken teeth, hairs made a mess, sometimes even bad smell, but he had never seen them this way. They didn't only looked bad, they were stressed, worried. Not the kind of stress that they all used to show when working, this looked totally different, totally worse. This looked out of place. The stress added an extra height to their bodies, their faces looked more tired than ever. He felt so bad, he knew that even him looked that way. 

"Guys, I'll go take a bath first. Don't push yourselves too much, pleas." Taehyung announced his partners, while they nodded, shooting him a tiny, tired smile. He knew they weren't going to be able to sleep, so he had somehow guessed that they had decided to stay and work on some beat for some song that could come to mind. Distracting their minds for a while would be a good idea. But he just wanted some cold water on top of him to help him clear his mind, working was just going to stress him more.

He made his way out of the tiny music studio the company had provided them when they started to live together, going then toward his shared bedroom to take some clean and warm clothes. It wasn't that warm in here. Taehyung walked over to his wardrobe once he was inside his room, looking for some long sleeves shirt and long pants to maintain the heat of his body with him, and preventing catching a cold of some kind, since, like he said before, he was planning to take a bath with freezing water.

After some minutes of bathing, Taehyung emerged from the bathroom door with a black long sleeves shirt, long grey pants, wet hair and a towel around his neck. His cheeks pale pink because of the cold that had hit him without mercy. He sighed happily, feeling his muscles less tensed than a few minutes before. He walked with bare feet, feeling the cold floor under, passing in front of the shared bedrooms, which were almost all opened, except for Jungkook's, in which, obviously, was the young boy since the second after they had arrived. Taehyung frowned when a doubt came to his mind. 

Had Jungkook cleaned his wounds? 

The man walked over to his maknae's bedroom door, placing his hand on the circular handle, but not twisting it. His ears had heard a tiny sniff coming from the inside, obviously from the only person inside. He sighed, knowing his dongseang had started crying once again. He turned around, starting to do his way back to the bathroom, where the aid kit was waiting for him. He grabbed it and went back to Jungkook's bedroom door.

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