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“Jungkook! Jungkook!” (Name) shouted as hard as she could from where she was, her lungs suddenly running out of air.  The girl was running towards him, the sound of her excited heart already reaching her ears. There were two reasons for her heart to be like that. One: She was going to meet the boy she liked, plus he looked so beautiful just standing there in front of the small garden they both loved to watch in calm and lazy days. And second: She was going to give him the most happiest and exciting new she had ever received.
The girl kept jogging towards him, having caught his attention with her noisy self. He moved his head towards he direction and smiled sweetly at her. The same smile that captivated her heart that time when her eyes first saw him. His hands rested inside of his pockets, and there was a practice bag hanging from his shoulder. That maybe meant he had just finished with practice, but it didn’t have much sense to her. He was dressed so comfortable, but unusually different to her eyes. He wasn’t using his usual baggy pants, sleeveless shirt and low dance shoes. He didn’t have his hair kind of messy and sweaty like when he just comes out of practice either. He was actually using a long sleeves shirt, with a pair of skinny jeans and his feet were inside a pair of high shoes. His hair looked like he had recently brushed it, it didn’t have any type of style nor sign of being wet, just his usual majestic dark straight hair that fell just above his eyebrows. Had he taken a bath? Why? He always came to see her the same way as he went out of the company. That was actually really weird.
“Wah! Daebak! You’re really quick, Jungkook. It haven’t been even thirty minutes from when I hanged up.” She said with a surprised expression, once she was standing in front of him with a smile plastered on her reddened face. Yes, she was already flustered. He chuckled lightly at her comment. So then she looked him up and down and put a confused face. “And, why if you just came out of practice you’re looking like this? Aren’t you supposed to be all sweaty and dressed with hip hop clothes like always?”
“I hadn’t finished practicing when you called me. I was actually planning on calling you when I finished practicing when you called me, well my hyungs…” He said, trailing off a little at the end of the sentence, just as if he didn’t wanted her to know what came next.
She looked up at him and looked him in the eyes with her own squinted ones, making sure he understood the message behind it. (Name) watched him sigh and lower his head a little, using his hand to mess with the hair of the back of his head.
“Well, my hyungs… they- they dragged me towards the bathroom that was in the company and made me take a bath and dress like this. I just couldn’t understand why were they so desperate to make take a bath.” As soon as she heard that, she started laughing her heart out. Well, maybe he knew why they were like that. He had been previously talking to them how much he wished she could notice him not just as a friend. So, obviously, looking all sweaty and messy would make her want to stay away instead of getting closer. Yes, they were sure that looking presentable and smelling fresh would be the safest way of attracting someone. But, this was something he didn’t want her to know.  
“Oh my God, I really love how funny your hyungs are.” She stated, calming her laughs. “Anyway! I want you to know something super important that my art teacher told me yesterday after class.” She said excitedly, giving tiny hops just like a little kid. A giant smile plastered on her face.
“Tell me!” Jungkook told her, knowing already what she was going to talk about.
“My teacher told me last week that she would do everything she could to talk to one of her friends that wants to do an art exposition in a future and is looking for new and young talents, and guess what!” A giant smile was directed towards him and he just pretended that he knew nothing about it. His shoulders went up and then down helplessly. “My teacher showed him my paintings and he said that he absolutely wanted a painter like me in his exposition!” She shouted in pure happiness, jumping, causing her ponytail to swing with the happy movements of her body.”
“Mwo? Jongmal?” He asked her with a smile, and she responded with a loud strange noisy that came directly from her happiness. “I’m really happy for you! That’s why…”
The young boy turned slightly to grab what was inside of his practice bag, while (Name) stayed there with a confused expression. Jungkook turned again, facing her. He had a cute pink, blue, and white medium size notebook with hand-drawn butterflies all over it, resting in his hands. “Here, this is for you. I made it myself in not soooo long...”
(Name) was amazed with the way just the cover looked like. It was so delicate that she couldn’t believe that it had been done by a male. It was way too girly. Wow. Her friend really knew how to surprise her. Her hands moved unconsciously towards the beautiful notebook, taking it close to her eyes to appreciate it better. “Jungkook…. This is beautiful. Thank you.” Was the only thing she managed to say. She was way too captivated.
“You know that in just a few more days I’ll make my debut. That means we won’t have time to see each other frequently. This has 365 drawings accompanied by 365 phrases to give strength. So, whenever you feel like your world is going to go down and I don’t answer your calls, read it. That way I can be there to support you, even though I can’t be physically there.” His eyes focused on her watery ones, the most beautiful eyes he could have ever seen. The eyes of the girl that made his heart accelerate.
His eyes, the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, The eyes of the man that made her world go brighter.


"(Name)! Are you ready?" Mari's voice brought me back to reality in a split second. I sighed, closing the notebook that was laying on top of my thighs, which were covered by the beautiful red dress she had bought for me. I placed the notebook on top of my bed, leaving it there.
  I stood up and walked over to the mirror. "Yes! I'll be there in a minute!" I shout back, making sure she heard me. 
"Okay! Jin Won is already here! So hurry and come out!" 
 I take a deep breath and walk out of the room, smiling brightly at them. MaRi immediately fangirls and Jin Won only stares at me with an expression I can't read. But in seconds, he is smiling to me too. He offers his arm and I take it, while MaRi walks in front of us. We exit the apartment and head towards the gallery. 
   While in the ride, my hands are sweaty and I feel really hot even though Fall is almost ending and it is becoming cold as heck. My hands are shaking slightly and I pray so I do a good first impression, that I don't do anything that will embarras myself or the people who are currently with me. 
  Suddenly I felt a warm hand on top of my unusually cold ones -considering the fact that I felt like burning-. A hand that's gentle and big. Shin Wo's. I looked over at him and he smiles widely and cutely. 
 "Don't worry. You'll do perfectly, I know you will." He then looked at me while saying the last words, gave me a quick eyes-closed smile and returned his gaze towards the front. And then the hands stayed there for at least a whole minute, and I surprisingly, not even try to remove it. I guess I just was so glad I had him to comfort me in my nervousness, in my sad and my angry days. Just as he did when all the Jungkook-got-away-from-me thing. I catch a tint of pink in his cheeks, but I ignore it
 I sighed, and let my tensed back rest against the seat. My eyes moving to the window to appreciate the view as we go across the town. 
  "Those paintings are spectacular, (Last name)-ssi." My teacher's friend told me with a wide smile spread across his face. "Those are the type of paintings that inspires me. What inspired you to do such emotional-aura filled paintings?" He asked me, and I nearly choke with the water I was currently drinking. 
     "Omo! (Name)-ah! Are you okay?" My teacher asked me, putting a hand on top of my slight arched back. I nodded rapidly and smiled at her. 
      "Excuse me. I have to go to the bathroom." My teacher smiled at me and nodded her head in agreement. As well as her friend, who extended his hand to shake mine. 
  I placed my elbow on top of the palm of my hand and gave him the handshake he was waiting from me. I bowed my head slightly and disposed myself to walk over to the bathroom. 
'Why am I always making a fool of myself in front of important people?!'

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