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   "Psst." I heard a tiny voice call for someone's attention. "Yang Mi" My classmate called my seat-mate from her own space, with the most tinies yet firm voice she managed to do. I lifted my head slightly from the comfortable pillow of arms I had made from my own body, looking around to see which of our two neighbors was the one calling. Soo Rin, who is the neighbor beside me and not Yang Mi, moved her hand to get my attention once I twisted my neck to see who was calling. I raised an eyebrow, silently asking what was happening. I decided to poke Yang Mi's shoulder with one of my hands, who obviously hadn't noticed Soo Rin was calling for her.  I looked back to Soo Rin, giving her a thumbs up and receiving a smile and a tiny head-bow as a signal of gratitude.  I quickly returned the smile, lowering my head to its original place. 

  Let me tell you something, I love literature. You know, reading books and all of that. Its beautiful, is an act of pure art, but this class was beyond the national standards of boring. This teacher surely didn't know how to make the student like literature and books. All he did was give us some short time to read some pages of a random book and then we would answer questions. There was no groupal discussion, no general reading, no explanation, there was nothing. If you have a doubt, you would have to stay with the doubt. If you dared to talk to ask someone who did understood or if you dared to let a single word escape your mouth at all, you were doomed. No joke. We had only been half an hour in the class and he had already sent Jin Won out for asking his seat-mate what meant something, not even bothering to ask why he had let his tongue produce any kind of sound... But, Oh well. Maybe this teacher isn't the best, but we surely have really good teachers in this school. 

"(Name)?" Yang Mi whispered, while gently placing her slim hand on top of my head, maybe checking if I hadn't fallen asleep yet -as I was planning since a begging-.
    I opened my eyes, lifting my head slowly to look at her. She offered me a small smile, proceeding to tell me what our classmate wanted both of us to know. "방탄소년단 (BTS) is having a fansign this Saturday. Starting from twelve to five in the afternoon. We were going to go together in a beggining but Soo Rin has one extra ticket her family accidentally bought. So we wanted to know if you would like to go with us, since we both know how much you love Bangtan. Plus, you we really like you and we think it would be fun to go with you." She looked at me with puppy eyes, expecting to receive a 'yes' from me.

  I breathed heavily. 'A fangsign?' My heart skipped a beat.
     What a shame, I have my exhibition that same Saturday, which is in two days from now. But even if I had the time to go, I wouldn't. I don't know, maybe I am too afraid of what I would have to encounter. Going to that fansign would be like opening a box, even if you shake it and try to listen carefully, you will never know what is inside unless you open it.  To be honest, I don't really have that much enthusiasm or curiosity to see what's inside that mystery box. I prefer to stay here, where I'm sure about what I know and what is happening at the moment. 

   I looked at Yang Mi with apologetic eyes, causing her face to drop, she knew exactly what I meant with it. "Sorry Yang Mi, but I can't go with you. I have an art exhibition that same day and really close to that schedule. I'm really sorry, I would've loved to pass that time with the two of you." Yang Mi nodded her head, understanding my words. 

"It's okay, don't worry. And congratulations, you've finally reached that point. Good luck with future goals!" She whispered, trying to avoid the so in wanted attention of our teacher. I chuckled as low as I could, muttering a thanks to her. She smiled and I smiled back, lowering my head once again. 

    How would be my life if Jungkook wasnt an idol? If Jungkook attended to the same high school I attend to? How would everything be? I guess I would ​​​​​​see everything a little bit differently, or maybe the way I used to see things. When I was younger, I would be more drawn to see the good side of the things, not forgetting that everything has a bad side, but just not giving to much attention to it. I would always do paintings full of energy, of happiness. Paintings inspired by good vibes and only good vibes. All that started to change when Jungkook started to slip away from me. From then, I started to do more abstract paintings out of frustration, and sadness. I would have less patience drawing, painting, doing my school work and even when talking to someone. I would get angry easier than before and my mind would miss what it had started thinking. That inspiration full of good vibes became rare, since being the fallen-on-hills-for-Jungkook girl I was, I only thought of my sorrow and never thought about other's sorrow or that I didn't needed Jungkook to live happily. But like many would know, being in love with somebody sometimes transform us into selfish people. We only think about that person and that's it.  

 Fortunately, with the help of MaRi, I managed my way out of it. Well, I'm still half the way out of it, but that's better than being completely trapped inside that hole. I've started a new life. Nevertheless, I could never kick Jungkook out of it. Like many know, he's my bias and also my bias wrecker. That isn't of much help, though. 

    "Oh! Jin Won, are you okay? Did they gave a call to your mother like last time?" He laughed loudly, giving no *** about this whole situation. 

 "Yes, the called my mother, and she said I would have to be prepared for the consequences." I looked at him, not surprised by his behavior. 

  Jin Won is my best friend, but he isn't a goody two shoes like my other friends. He's more of a problematic boy. Well, he's not a 'bad boy', but he does have a lot of attitudes a bad boy has. He just doesn't care whether he's being disrespectful while saying what's in his mind. He gets into trouble easily due to his careless way of talking and expressing.  He's very protective towards friends and family, which had caused some broken noses and a few discussions, fortunately nothing bad enough to be proceeded legally. No, wait, it could have been proceeded legally, but they didn't. How lucky. 

    "And (Name), um..." I watched as he touched the back of his neck and looked down to the ground. 

 "Yeah?" I asked him, confused by his strange behaviour. He didn't look me in the eyes, he just moved his gave to the wall beside him. 

 "A-are you going t-to do something a-after school?" Wow, this was the first time he asked me that question. I wanted to say that I didn't, but I did. I had to go home and then take the paintings to the place of the exhibition.
  "Sorry, Jin Won. I have to take the paintings to the exhibition before six in the afternoon. Meaning I have to leave now if I don't want to arrive late." His lips took the form of an 'o', sighing after it. Maybe he looked disappointed?

 "Can I help you with that then?​​​ I have my father's car today." 

  I thought for a few seconds. If that could help me, then why not? 



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