Twenty One

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Jungkook growled annoyed, passing a hand through his damp hair, thing caused by his earlier taken shower. His eyes were staring at his phone, which was laying on top of his bed, with an intense glare. "Should I call her?" He asked himself with the quietest voice he managed to produce, a deep frown claiming space in between his eyebrows. He titled his head to the side, not knowing what to think. "But, if I do, what should I say? How will she react? Will she want to talk with me?-" The poor young man sighed, letting his shoulders fall forward slightly. He walked side to side, debating whether it would be worth calling her. "What would I say? 'Oh, yeah! I know I blocked you out of my life all this time and that I just reappeared without warning and I also know I  practically ruined your life, but I suddenly really craved to listen to your voice.'?" He said in a shouted whisper, fearing that he could actually be so stupid to say something like that. 

He couldn't really be that stupid, right? But, he was really nervous, that meant he could say anything, including something as stupid as that. Or maybe worse- 

"Just call her, Jungkook. It will be too late when you finally gather the bravery to do so and she will most probably be sleeping by then." Said Taehyung, who had been leaning against the door frame for about five minutes, his presence being totally unnoticed by the young male until now.

Jungkook snapped his head towards his hyung, surprised at the sudden wave of sound entering his ears. Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook's wide eyes and slightly opened mouth, rolling his eyes at the young man.

"Just call her." Taehyung encouraged his dongseang with a soft voice and a light gesture of his hand. He knew the young man was nervous and now embarrassed at the fact that he had seen his slow mental break down.

 Jungkook looked at his hyung's smile, then at the phone resting on top of his bed. He sighed, giving some hesitant steps forward to trap the phone with his fingers. His eyes stared at the black screen while breathing slightly heavily, but still slowly. The boy finally pushed the bottoms, unlocking the screen. His fingers typed (Name)'s number, hesitation taking the best of him. Jungkook looked at Taehyung one more time, as if asking for an assurance of an already given permission. Taehyung, who simply nodded, moved backwards just a little, enough for him to be right outside the room. 

 The deepest breath Jungkook had ever taken in his entire life had been taken at that moment, his finger pressing the tiny green phone icon to start the call. He lifted the phone, pressing it against his ear lightly; waiting for the girl to pick it up.

  Taehyung closed the door silently, leaving the nervous male alone inside. Whatever happened now, was in his hands.

Nevertheless, he knew things would go perfectly well for him and (Name). He was sure that her behavior around him two Saturdays ago said more than enough. He knew that she would not have a single problem by receiving a call from the younger male, a call she had waited for so long now.


   (Name) opened the door to her room in a slow movement, her feet dragging her body lazily towards her bed. Once beside it, she shoved her backpack off of her hurting shoulder and onto the covered mattress, making its many charms bounce a couple of times, doing tinkish sounds before settling quietly. She turned around, giving her back to the bed, as if rudely rejecting a confession. Her shoulders sunk in immediately, her arms hanging loosely beside her figure, her eyes half opened. In conclusion, she looked like a zombie. A zombie with a practically magnificent health. Of course, she couldn't be an ugly zombie. 

  "(Name)-ah!" The female heard her friend call from the kitchen, her high pitched voice hurting her sensitive ears. "Come! I finished the tea." She said, grabbing (Name)'s attention immediately. 

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