Chapter 1 Dreams or Nightmare...The Devildom

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(Edited on 4/10)

Based loosely on the new Obey Me otome game.

Thump...thump...thump...Hana's heart races in her chest as she took in her surroundings, she appeared to be in what looked to be in an olden style courthouse with dark stone walls. Hundreds of candles were placed around the room, their flickering lights casting shadows along the walls that caused shadows to dance around her. Dark tapestries lined the walls depicting scenes of demons and angels in varying dark scenes and in front of her sat seven males looking down at her with different expressions coloring their faces. A man with dark red hair and golden eyes stands and greets her with a warm smile and a deep booming voice.

"Welcome to The Devildom, as an exchange student for this school year! I know this may seem as a shock to you as a human. But I can guarantee that no one here means you any harm. Well, as long as you follow the rules and stay to the designated areas. My name is Diavolo, the man next to me is Lucifer and as President and Vice President of the student council he and I will watch over you during your year-long exchange here in the Devildom."

Huh? My head is spinning at the onslaught of information. I pinch my thigh trying to figure out if I am dreaming and my leg jerks as I bring a red welt to the surface with my hard pinch. This couldn't be real, I had to be dreaming, maybe a nightmare from too many scary movies right before bed. I had gone to bed last night in my own home and had 'woken' up in this room, surrounded by men that I didn't know. I look down at myself seeing that I'm still in my nightgown which isn't something should be seen by men that are strangers to me.

" I dreaming?" The question leaves my mouth before I even have time to process what I am asking. The man, Diavolo laughs good naturedly, his gold eyes shining, but shakes his head no.

"No, Hana, this isn't a dream. You were chosen amongst thousands of applicants for this exchange program. Two Humans, Angels, and Demons, were chosen from each species for the exchange to be sent to another realm for a type of home study program. The leaders of each realm are trying to bring a peaceful coexistence between the races, and you were chosen to come here to Devildom."

A tall black-haired male stands up and draws my attention away from Diavolo. His deep voice rings out as he introduces himself. He is solemn and serious compared to the laughing red head at his side.

"I am Lucifer, student council vice president. During your stay here in the Devildom, you will be living at The House of Lamentation along with my brothers and myself. I am the eldest, the second eldest brother, Mammon, will be your guide from day to day, but if he isn't around feel free to ask any of the others."

"Lucifer! Why the hell should I take time out of my precious schedule to look after a HUMAN girl? It is beneath the Great Mammon's dignity to have to watch over a human!" A silver haired male sneers as he looks at this human girl in disgust. It is taking everything in me not to tell this BOY to go fuck himself. I press my lips together in a grimace and clench my fists on my thighs. I can feel myself staining red with anger.

"Mammon, you will do as you are told. Diavolo has requested you as her guide, and his will, is my will, and you will do it!" Lucifer yells at Mammon firmly and I can feel a heaviness radiating from him. The hair on the back of my neck stands up and a shiver works down my spine as Lucifer's energy invades my own. I had always been sensitive to people's emotions, and even though Lucifer had not directed those words toward me, I could tell this was not a man to talk back to. Apparently, Mammon thought so as well as he visibly blanched at his brother's tone of voice.

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