Chapter 12 Angel's Wings and The First Bond Mark

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I sigh deeply, I had been trying to avoid the talk about the bonds and what it truly meant for those of us involved. I was going to get to it eventually, but I needed time to think and process our situation completely.  I had had many lovers over the years, but I had never been bonded to any. I would never admit it aloud, but I found myself at a loss for what to do when it came to her. It wasn't uncommon for Demons or even some Celestials to be bonded into a group with one female. However this is the first known bonding group that involved a mixture of races and with a female that was a mixed race herself. 

Everyone is looking at me, waiting to hear what I have to say. I look to Lord Diavolo, who is still looking highly amused by the whole situation. Even though I had been around him for many years I couldn't completely understand his way of thinking. I look over to Simeon, I had noticed that when Asmodeus made skin contact with Hana it had caused her transformation into a demon, I wondered if the same would happen if he touched her. I don't think she had control over her transformations yet, but touching someone bonded to her may bring forth the traits on their own. 

"Simeon, can you touch Hana's hand for a moment. I want to see if her angelic traits will emerge when you make skin contact."

I hear Mammon muttering to to Levi.

"He's trying to avoid talking about the bond."

"Mammon, would you like to join Asmodeus later for a lecture? I'll be sure to make it extra long and have you repeat it back to me word for word. " 

"No thanks, I'm sorry, please continue." Mammon looks at Levi with a face like he just dodged a bullet. I might still lecture him later. Mammon may be the second eldest but he acted like the youngest.  

"If you would wait for a few minutes I will get to that. Simeon, please." 

Hana is watching our exchange but I cant tell what is on her mind. Which is rather interesting, she has a tendency to surprise me with her smart comebacks and straightforwardness. I was surprised that I had found that aspect of her personality appealing. 

Simeon walks over to her, he holds out a hand. 

"May I, Hana?" My jaw almost drops when she actually smiles at him. It transforms her face and brightens her eyes. I found myself looking forward to when she turned that smile towards me. That thought in itself showed that I was bonding to her even as I fought against it. I say fighting against it, but I knew that this was something beyond my control, I also knew that deep down inside me that it was something my soul needed. Binding my soul to another would never erase all sins I had committed, nor did I want it too, but it could help heal the cracks and bring a light to my blackened soul. 

Simeon has a pleased expression on his face when he reaches out to take Hana's hand and as I thought her demon transformation is undone. White wings burst from her back and a sea of light bathes the room. Simeon's wings burst from his back before he leans down and places a chaste kiss on her lips. I don't think I'm the only one surprised at Simeon's bold gesture. I hear a clatter as Levi drops his phone to the floor and Mammon's mouth is hanging open, which isnt much different from his usual look, but the blush tinging his face is new. 

"Oooo...Simeon that was rather bold of you. Color me impressed. Glad to know I'm not the only one having control issues." Simeon's tanned face has slightly colored at Asmoedus's remark. Hana then decides to shock everyone even further rising up on her toes and kissing him back. See, I can never tell what she is going to do, its almost always a reaction I never see coming. Kissing Simeon, a male she just met, before kissing any of the others, or should I say me first shocks me. Is this jealousy? Or my pride speaking? 

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