Chapter 34 Diavolo and Hana Bond

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Day 6

Part 3

Diavolo and Hana


"Are you sure we should introduce Hana to the Realm at the Ball tomorrow?" Lucifer asks again. We had been talking about this since we sentenced the two demons after they made an attempt on her life. We had talked to the others in private to get their take on the situation and after some grumbling we got them to agree. I had also had a call with Archangel Michael and he agreed, she was known among the high ranking Celestial officials and a request had been sent down to have her sent to the Celestial Realm for a face to face meeting. Lucifer had put his foot down immediately. None of the Brothers were allowed in the Celestial Realm after their Fall, which meant that only Simeon and Solomon could attend that meeting with her. Lucifer wasn't having it and I really didn't blame him. They would discuss a neutral area at a later date and decide to give The Brothers a pass to attend the meeting. It had surprised me though when Michael agreed that all her Bonds should be present with her, but I think it surprised Lucifer even more to have Michael agree with him. After all Michael was the Archangel that fought Lucifer when he Fell from the Celestial Realm. But then again I'm sure Michael didn't enjoy battling his brother, they had been rather close to each other once eons ago.

"Yes, I'm sure and everyone agrees. I'm planning to let Hana know tonight."

"She'll most likely be angry that we didn't let her know sooner, or ask her opinion about introducing her to everyone at the Ball." Lucifer gets a look on his face before he actually laughs. Lucifer doesn't laugh often but I had been seeing it more since Hana's arrival.

"I wish you luck, Lord Diavolo."


"Because she doesn't like it when someone makes decisions about her life for her. She's likely to curse you soundly."

"Sounds like something to look forward to."

"It is."


I can literally swim laps in this bathtub, but I float on top letting the heat from the water soak into my muscles while the bubbles tickle along my skin. I get out and rewash my hair and rinse the bubbles from my body. Hair washed, check, Legs and the girly bits shaved, check check. Solomon had showed me a trick for drying my hair with a little bit of power so now it doesn't take an hour to dry it. It took me awhile to get the trick down right, he also said I could use it a slightly different way to remove hair. But with my luck I'd remove ALL my hair, so I'll stick to razers for now. With my hair dry I apply some basic makeup and go look at the dress that Barbatos left out. The dress ties around my neck leaving my shoulders and back bare, the front open down the middle that shows most of my bonding marks, the color starts out black before turning red in an ombre effect. The skirt is shorter in the front going to above my knees while the back hits behind my shins. It's a pretty dress, but I don't remember ordering it from Majolish. I also don't remember ordering the lingerie I find with the dress which has the same red and black ombre effect.

I finish up quicker than what I thought it would take so I head toward Diavolo's office. As I walk I look at the pictures that line the walls when I come to a large picture I stop and stare. A younger looking Diavolo is pictured with a woman with flowing red hair. He stands behind her while she sits in a chair, she looks back at him with a mixture of pride and a deep sadness. What would it be like to have a child with a man that was trying to turn your only son into a monster? A child you loved beyond reason? I have to walk away before I start crying thinking about Diavolo's mother. I finally make it to Diavolo's office after only getting lost once, I'm about to knock when the door opens and a demon I haven't met almost walks over me.

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