Chapter 38 Hana's Story Pt 2

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As Michael tells his story, I can feel the presence of another as her thoughts begin to bleed into my own. It feels like it is the same female presence that I felt the other day when I was with Diavolo at the Oasis Waterfall, the same one that helped me purify the waters with the help of Archangel Michael.



My name is Lilith, I believe you have heard about me from my brothers. Michael can only tell you part of the story from his point of view, but if you let me I can show you mine. Connect your mind with those of my brothers and your other mates.

How are you here right now, inside my head? I heard you before, you helped me, that day at the falls. But according to Lucifer and Diavolo you were reborn as a human with no memories of your Angelic life.

When I died I split my Soul into two pieces, I tied the part of myself that was a Demon to you, while the rest of me, the me that missed my human lover was sent into the cycle of rebirth with the help of Lord Diavolo. I was able to be reborn as a normal woman, with the reborn soul of the man that I had loved. I was there when you were born, just before my death. You were so small, having been born early, but you were strong, your soul carried in it a strength that would continue to stay with you as you grew older. I had been gravely injured during the Celestial Wars and though time had passed, my wound never truly healed. When my body could no longer keep going Michael appeared before me, telling me about the future that you would have with my brothers as their true bondmate. After your birth, and before my death, I gifted you with two pieces of myself, I sealed part of my soul to yours, and gave you the blood from my body. Michael did the same, sealing your fate to the Angelic and Demon Realms, and transforming you into a hybrid of the three realms.

This may sound strange....but we aren't related are we? I don't think I could handle being related to my Bondmates...That would just be the cherry on top of my fucked up life sundae.

**Tinkling laughter in my mind** I'm glad she thought it was funny, because I'm pretty sure I would lose my shit.

No, Dear Hana. I did not birth you, nor are you from my familial line, so even though my blood was what originally changed you from Human into a Demon, we are not related, though I do consider you a daughter in a way, but only because you will always carry a piece of my soul in you. It is like how Michael calls you The Daughter of his Soul, it is the same for me. You are a very strong woman, not afraid to say what is on your mind. Your mother would be proud of the woman that you have become.

You knew her? What about my father? What was their names? What did they look like?

Your father had already passed by the time your mother had found me. Unfortunately I never got to meet him, but your mother spoke of him often. His name was Eryn, your mother said that he was a strong and kind man and he had been excited that she had been pregnant with you, but times were dangerous then and he was killed one day as he was coming back from the nearest village. He had been a merchant, trading things that he made, or pelts from game that he had hunted. His wagon had been raided and he was killed in the process.

I felt a deep sadness for the man that had been my father.

And my mother?

Your mother, Leahya (Lee-HI-uh) was a kind woman, fierce and brave, with a beautiful soul that shone so brightly. You look very much like her but for your curls and eye color. She found me as I lay waiting for my death as my wounds bled out. I had lost everything I had as an Angel, my family, my human lover, and I had Fallen. Shedding my white wings for those of a Demon. I was willing to let death take me. But then, your mother found me. She cared for me, and I came to care for her too. She had told me that the women in her familial line had been blessed by the Archangel Michael, which had given them the gift of dreaming and foresight. It wasn't something she could completely control though. Leahya said that she would dream of important events that would happen in her life, she said that she had 'saw' me before we had met. You also carry the gift of Dreaming and Foresight, The Dreaming was how you met Belphegor.

Will everyone be able to hear you talk when we connect our minds?

Yes, but I won't be just talking, you will see my memories as I saw them.

This will probably be really hard for your brothers. Only Lucifer knew that you had been reborn as a human, the others just found out...this morning. Lucifer kept it from them to protect them. He thought it was for the best.

I can feel a mental eye roll coming from Lilith. Beel had told me she was a feisty thing.

My older brother...he likes to take everything upon himself so that it doesn't affect the others. But sometimes his good intentions have the opposite effect. He is too prideful for his own good.

Agreed, but he cares for his brothers, even if he enjoys punishing them just as much.

Lilith's laugh echos through my mind.

"Hana...Hana!" I jerk my head towards Lucifer, who is looking at me with concern.

"Where did your mind wander off to?" I take a deep breath, getting ready for the back lash of what I'm getting ready to tell them.

"I need for you guys to keep quiet and not interrupt me when I tell you this. Can you do that for me?" I look down the table, meeting the gaze of each of my Bonds until they either say yes, or shake their head yes. I take another deep breath, and slowly breath it out.

"Lilith was speaking to me from inside my mind." Stunned silence, and then pandemonium. Why do I even ask them to do anything? I have questions being thrown at me from all around the table, I stand up from my seat, before standing on my chair. I can feel the weight of my horns on my head, my demons wings sprouting from my back. I asked them not to interrupt me...they did. I can feel my temper rising, it did that a lot, especially since my transformation to a demon.

"Be I asked you not to interrupt me, this is already hard for me as it is. I do not need you guys throwing ten million fucking questions at me at one time. Now, sit down, and shut the fuck up for a few, ok? Awesome." I sit back down in my chair to absolute silence. Archangel Michael is looking at me with humor in his eyes and I can see he is barely holding in suppressed laughter. I was finding out that my mates can bring out the best and the worst in me. I might love them but that didn't mean I didn't want to wrap a couple of them in rubber bands so I can flick them when ever they pissed me off. Like now for example.

"Now, how about I continue..."

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