Chapter 40 Diavolo's Unsealed Memory

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Dead silence fills the room, as I look at Diavolo's face I can see the anger building in his eyes. The table lifts and all of us back up in time for it to crash into the opposite wall as dishes shatter on the floor. The sound echos around the room, and I watch as Diavolo's features morph as his demons horns grow from his head and wings sprout from his back.

"Diavolo, Stop!" I shout at him, but he ignores me as he continues to stare down Michael, his golden eyes focused on Michael like a large wild animal that has spotted its prey before pouncing on it.

"Stop him, Hana. He needs to listen to what Michael has to say." Lilith whispers to me, but she doesn't need to tell me. I know I need to calm Diavolo down before he does something in anger that he will regret when he calms down. Diavolo told me himself that today there would be no fighting between the different races, any who break that will have to face the consequences of their actions. Diavolo as a leader was no exception to the rule, how could he force his people to follow him when he himself broke his own laws that he laid down for his people to follow?

I spoke to him through our mental connection.

'Diavolo...listen to me...Diavolo have to stop.

Why?! He took my memory of you! If I could have taken you then you wouldnt have had to suffer the way you did!

But then I wouldn't be me. We may have been bonded earlier, but who is to say that we wouldn't be the people we are now if our lives had strayed off the course that was set?

Hana, you cant expect for me to just let this go. He took my first, MY FIRST, memory of you! I treasure each and every moment and memory that we make together. I don't want any of them to be taken from me for any excuse.

Then ask for it back. He said he locked it away, and we all know anything that is locked away can be returned. But Diavolo, you yourself said that there would be no fighting between the races. How can you expect others to follow your edicts when you yourself will not follow them?'

I know I am playing dirty, but desperate times, desperate measures.

He turns his glare on me and I shrug. He can be mad at me all he wants, but he knows that I am right. He waves a hand and the table resettles itself back to where it was and all the dishes are whole again. Damn, I needed to learn that trick.

'Are you listening to me now?

Be glad I love you, Hana...'

"Ok, I am ready to listen. Be glad my mate knows how to remind me about what is important. Michael, I want that memory unsealed. You may have done it for what you thought was a good reason, but you stole something I cherish from me and I want it back." Diavolo pulls me down into his lap, and I can still fill the stiffness in his body. I take his hand into mine and relax into his body, he takes a deep breath and some of the tension leaves his body.

"Its yours. I always planned to return it to you one day. You will need it anyways for me to tell you the end of my story. The end, and the beginning."

Michael stands and walks over to us, he lifts a hand and places a finger on Diavolo's forehead, before whispering a word in the Celestial Language. I watch Diavolo's face, and feel his body stiffen again. His eyes become large, and then he looks at me. Michael goes back to his spot at the other end of the table, giving Diavolo a moment to process the memory that was unlocked in his mind.

'You were always mine...' He says huskily inside my mind.

Diavolo smiles, before grabbing me around the waist, giving me a kiss that probably shouldn't be given in front of an Archangel. Ooh baby, I mean no, no, we shouldn't do this right here. Is this what they mean when they talk about having an angel and a demon sitting on their shoulder...mine seem to be drunk, because they both want to keep on kissing Diavolo. But I hear someone clearing his throat, my face goes scarlet as I look back at Archangel Michael, who looks like he doesn't know if he should laugh, or try to get the situation back to serious mode.

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