Chapter 22 Trip to Majolish

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If looks could kill me Hana would have me dead ten times over. She is NOT happy with me and I can't blame her. I phase her outside of Majolish so I can purchase her some formal clothing.

"Lord Lucifer, welcome to Majolish, how can I be of help to you this morning?" The owner comes out looking very surprised to find me here. I usually just order my uniforms, I wasn't one to come shopping. But the circumstances called for it.

"Yes, I need you to help me acquire formal wear for this young lady here. We will be having formal dinner with Lord Diavolo, also she needs outfitting for a formal dance." Hana looks at me like I've lost my mind. The owner looks at Hana, sizing her up as someone who can attend formal meetings with Lord Diavolo.

"Hmm...young lady, you are very beautiful, though your clothing needs some work. Anything in particular are you looking for?"

"Three formal dinner dresses, three ball gowns, two pants suits, and whatever accessories for each outfit plus shoes. You already know to put it on my account, don't let her try to talk you into anything cheaper." Money was no issue for me, unlike Mammon I knew how to invest my funds and owned many large and small businesses. Hana is now looking at me close to panic.

"Lucifer, you don't have to..." I stop her, I wasn't arguing with her in public. But I cup her face so she is looking in my eyes.

"You need the clothing, and believe me, this won't even make a dent in my funds. I could buy this whole store and it not make a bit of difference." The owner is looking at me and shaking her head in agreement. But she also has the look of a female trying to figure out my relationship with the girl.

"We only have two hours, if it takes longer we will have to order the rest."

"That's fine, I'll take her measurements and we can do what we can here. The accessories can be ordered, you know our website, I'll give you a special log in code for her. If you want a certain style we don't have in the store I can make a trip out to Lord Diavolo's estate for any thing that has be done in person."

She leads Hana away to take her measurements. I look around the store while they are gone. An ice blue dress catches my eye and I can instantly see it on Hana. I look around more and see quite a few dresses that would flatter her and draw out her beauty more. Hmm...maybe I'm kind of glad to have made this trip.


"What's your relationship with Lord Lucifer?" I had been waiting for that question, she didn't give off the feeling of being a catty women, more like she was genuinely curious. I hadn't gotten to talk to many females lately, being constantly in the presence of one or more of my bonds. I decide to just say what the hell and tell her. I had been getting ready to take my clothes off so she could measure me when she blurted out the question.

"Our relationship is rather hard to explain." I pull off my shirt and her eyes zero in on the marks on my chest, her eyes practically pop out of her head and her mouth drops open.

"You're the girl that is Bonded to most of The Seven Demon Lords, Asmodeus, Mammon, Beelzebub, Satan, and Leviathan. Plus the angel Simeon and the human sorcerer Solomon. Are you telling me that Lucifer is also one of your intended Bonds?!" She claps her hands together like she had just gotten the juiciest news of the century. I don't tell her that Diavolo is also one of those intended, she might faint and fall over.

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