Chapter 11 Wings and Horns

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Lucifer further explains what happened while I was unconscious, he even tells me of my body taking on demon and angel traits. I'm scared, but I'm also curious when I hear I sprouted wings, and as a demon horns. Asmodeus disappears for a moment only to reappear with a large full length mirror.

"Really Asmo, is this the time for narcissism?" Satan asks him in disgust. The mirror was an ornate threefold mirror where all you had to do was spin a little to see your full reflection. It wasn't all that sursprising that Asmo had such a large mirror.

"It's not for me, I know I look fabulous right now, but Hana doesn't know how AMAZING she looks." I'm not sure how amazing I look after sleeping for almost a full day, I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't sporting some serious bed head.

He practically dances over to the bed and holds out a hand. I look at him and arch a brow defiantly. I can't help it that I'm still angry with him and Mammon from their earlier stunt. But Lucifer explained that with my awakening traits after being brought here, that I gave off a scent that drew in certain demons, Asmo being one of them. He had been drunk on my scent and then lost control, which caused Mammon to lose it further after I had pelted him in the forehead. Color me petty, but I still didn't appreciate being stalked around my room with my naked ass on full display. Lucifer also explained that Asmodeus and Mammon both had bonded to me, though he still wasn't 100% certain of what that meant for us. He said he wasn't sure if being 'bonded' was the same for as it would be for other demons and angels, he still hadn't told me what it meant to be bonded, especially to more than just one person.

"I'm sorry Hana, I promise the next time we play naked tag we'll do it with your permission." A snort leaves my mouth, and he grins unabashedly, but I reach out to take his hand so he can pull me out of bed. When our hands connect I feel a zap of energy and a slight pressure in my head and back. I gasp at the strange feeling of something growing from my back. The feeling is odd, like I'm stretching and using muscles I had never used before.

"Well I was wondering how we could make those wings and horns of yours appear. Look in the mirror." He grins broadly raking heated eyes over my body. The look on his face making me shiver, but not unpleasantly.

I can't believe my eyes when I look into the mirror, I see my eyes widen, my rounded pupils have turned to slits and my normally blue eyes have turned to a swirling blue. The women reflected back looks like me, but doesn't. My hair which had been to my lower back now reached the back of my thighs, someone had woven small braids into my hair, whoever had done it had did a pretty decent job, and my curls no longer held their usual frizz. But the show stoppers were the pair of wings attached to my back and the small twisting horns growing off the side top part of my head. I touched them, not believing they were real, they felt warm, they reminded me of a sheep's horns but thinner. I examined the bat like wings over my shoulders, I wondered if I could fly. Before the thought finishes my wings snap out, if it wasn't for fast reflexes a couple of demons would have gotten a face full of wings, as it was the shorter angel that had been introduced as Luke had startled and fallen off his chair. He lands hard on the floor and Mammon and Satan snicker at him.

"Ah, you scared the puppy." Mammon says in his haughty tone. I walk over to Luke and hold out a hand, after all it's my fault he fell. He looks at it with disdain before getting himself off the floor.

"I'm not a puppy. Also I would appreciate it if you wouldn't touch me in that form, I detest demons." He crosses his arms over his chest and turns his nose up at me.

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