Chapter 18 Tease your Mammon

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Damn you Lucifer, and Damn you Diavolo.

I feel like someone is trying to block my connection to Hana. I've been able to send her small messages in her dreams, but after that last time I've been unable to call her. For whatever reason it feels like a piece of my soul has been cut off along with my connection to her. Here recently my time is spent dreaming about her, and I keep imagining that her scent is finding its way inside my prison in the far attic of the house of lamentation.

Oh Hana...when can I be free?



Hana is driving me crazy. She has bonded with Simeon, Beel, Solomon, and Asmo...and with the days that pass she becomes more and more of a tease. I think driving me batshit crazy is her new goal in life or maybe it's payback from the first day she was here, either way, she is giving me a serious case of blue balls and I have welcomed being called out by the group of witches I had a pact with. My head is somewhere off in space and I walk head first into a pillar.

"Ouch...fuck." I hear giggling and I'm about to tell the offender to fuck off when I look up into laughing blue eyes. Hana is biting her lip trying to stop from laughing, but her shoulders are shaking.

"Sorry, but if you could have seen your expression. You ok Mammon?" I don't know if she is being sincere or not but she holds out her hand to help me up. If it was anyone else I would have told them to piss off but I grab her hand and she helps me off the floor.

"So what has the great Mammon's head in the clouds?" Should I tell her my lack of brain activity lately is her fault? If my brothers heard me say that they would point out that I never had any brain activity...bastards, all of them...


"Me? Why me?"

"Yer such a damn tease!" Shit...I was trying not to fight with her. I watch her eyes widen...then she smirks. Oh fuck she is going to do it to me again.

"Me? A tease?" She bats those damn eye lashes at me before grabbing my uniform collar and pulling herself up on her toes. Then she kisses me...

Damn her... What's left of my brain cells are going to fry by the time she is done with me.

You know what...fuck it. I grab ahold of her and she squeaks in surprise. I grin at having caught her, then phase her to my bedroom. Damn female wants to tease me? Fine...but now it's my turn.


My eyes are huge in my face as I find myself in Mammon's bedroom which is filled with expensive looking toys...and is that a car on the second floor? What the hell? Mammon throws me down onto a giant bed covered in black and gold pillows and blankets.

"So...uh Mammon...why am I in your bedroom?" Better yet why did he throw me down on his bed...and now he is stripping.

"Because you won't stop teasing me. So now I'm going to tease you back." I don't know if I should be scared or incredibly turned on by his statement. I find myself being incredibly turned on by the golden skin I see as he peels off his shirt. I'll be honest and say I'm surprised he waited so long to lose it. I will admit I have been pretty relentless with teasing him, to the point Asmo asked when I was just going to fuck him.

By the time Mammon crawls into the bed he is only in a pair of boxers that ride low on his hips and doesn't hide the fact that he is turned on. His brands trace along his skin momentarily and he snaps his fingers. My clothes disappear and I just gape at him.

"I'm Greed baby, I see it, and want it, and it's mine. Not a power I use often because it pisses off Lucifer, but for you I'll take the lecture. Better yet....just keep it between us." I cant help but laugh, even in this moment Mammon is trying not to piss off Lucifer.

"Watcha laughin' at?" Mammon pouts and grabs my ankle to pull me down on the bed so that I'm underneath him. But this is Mammon and for some reason I cant just let him have his way. I call on my own power and switch our positions.

"Hey Hana! I'm supposed to be on top." Ha...right. Don't think so. I lean down and bite into his neck lightly and feel him stiffen.

"Bitch...don'!" But I bite in again, this time slightly harder. Now I feel the evidence of him being completely hard under me. He's breathing heavily, his eyes are glazed over. His other brothers always teased Mammon calling him a masochist...but who fucking knew?! I feel like a kid in the candy store with this information. But then he surprises me again by taking my hips and sliding inside.

"Mammon....ah...wait!" But he isn't listening to me and I lose track of time as I pay for the weeks of teasing I've been doing. Oh well... I'll just have to tease him harder after this.

When I wake in the morning Mammon and I are lost in a sea of blankets on his bed. He has his arms wrapped around my middle and he's turned me into his personal pillow. His mark has joined the others on my chest and I can see faint lines that connect each symbol.

"Mammon...wake up." I rub his head but he just burrows deeper between my breasts.

"Mammon's..." He talking in his sleep.

"The great Mammon's" now I'm trying not to laugh...

"She's Mammon's" now I am laughing...I start poking him in the cheeks, but he still isn't moving. I really got to pee and the great Mammon isn't moving his ass. I reach under the blanket and get a handful of ass cheek and pinch. He flies up off the bed and topples backward off the edge, his feet in the air. I laugh so hard I almost piss myself and literally have to run to the bathroom.

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