Chapter 27 Nightmares Become Reality

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(Trigger Warning, Violence and Assualt)


I feel Lucifer's weight shift as he pushes himself up the bed. I open my eyes and wrap my arms around his waist and nuzzle into his side.

"Where are you going?" I ask him sleepily.

"I have a meeting with Lord Diavolo this morning, stay in bed and get some more sleep, it's only been a few hours since you've fallen asleep." He stands up from the bed then bends over and gives me a quick kiss. I watch him walk naked into a large walk in closet. How's a girl suppose to sleep when she sees such a gorgeous man naked, but sleep beckons me once more and I find myself falling back under.

Nightmares Become Reality

I open my eyes and my own terror causes my breath to seize in my throat.

Where?...!!! I know where I am at, no please, not again! This place has haunted my dreams since I escaped here, the place I had been tortured, whipped, and beaten.

"Oh my pretty, sinful, Hana...what should I do with you today?" I hear the sickly sing song voice of my torturer. But his voice is double layered, like there are two people speaking from inside him.

"You're not him...who are you?" The man laughs. Before he walks around into my line of sight, he looks strangely familiar, like I've seen him somewhere before. But evil intentions radiate off of him, and I shiver at his malicious intents. His skin is parchment white and appears to have petrified, like it's been years since he has seen the sun or moved from a single place. I flinch back when I see his eyes, his pupils have stretched to cover his whole eye, no white or other color shows.

"Smart little thing aren't you? But then again, you heard his voice for a year while he tortured you. Should I tell you something interesting? Why he tortured you, a so called man of God? It's so easy to slither into someone's dreams. Human's are so easily corrupted, easy to manipulate. He thought I was his God when I spoke to him in his dreams, but he failed me. You should have died before your awakening. So I killed him, you should have seen his face when I visited him in his cell, his look of pain when I split him open and his innards spilled to the floor. Then Michael interfered and I lost you until your arrival here."

His hand glides down the naked expanse of my back and I shiver in disgust.

"Don't touch me!!!" I scream at him. This man is one of the reasons for my nightmares. I struggle to free my bound wrists from the bedframe, but the rope cuts deeper and deeper into my skin. I try to pull my legs but they are also tied down to the bed.

"I see the scars on your back have healed, you really are a pretty little thing, too bad your existence threatens what I've been working on or I would keep you for myself to play with once I awaken fully. I already have to deal with him foiling my plans, and then there's you. Whether he thinks so or not, you really are the key to coexistence between the races. Unfortunately I can't kill you while you are here, but I can make this moment very...very...painful." I hear the familiar sound of a whip unfurling and the end touch the hard floors. My terror escalates and my breaths come faster and I tense as he pulls his arm back and lets the whip fly. Searing pain traces my back as the whip cracks against my skin. I scream in pain and scream again when he swings the whip a second and third time.

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