Chapter 8 Simeon, Solomon, and Her...

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I can see the barrier that surrounds the medica. When we enter the room I see Leviathan and Mammon as they sit in chairs on either side of the door. They look up in surprise when Lord Diavolo and Lucifer escort us inside. My eyes are instantly drawn to the bed in the middle of the room. Beel is lying on the bed stroking the hair of the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. Long back hair curls to her waist, and thin delicate brands line her arms in twisting lines and knots, almost likes ivy. I'm not the only one frozen, Solomon is too, he can't take his eyes off the scene before him. Luke is looking at me in concern. He looks back and forth between the bed and at me. He doesn't feel the draw that I'm feeling and I haven't even entered into the final barrier in the room.

"Well I can see Simeon and Solomon also feel her draw. Luke do you feel anything?" Lucifer asks but Luke shakes his head no in reply. How can he not be drawn to her?

Her very presence is a beacon of light drawing me closer as if I'm a moth drawn to the flame.

Beel is looking to us trying to determine if we are a threat to the girl he is protecting. His body is alert as he continues stroking her hair, before he starts making small braids all the while watching us out of the sides of his eyes. I can see a couple of fine braids that are mixed in with her curling raven hair that reaches her hips. He looks at her tenderly, his expression is something I haven't seen in many years, not since before his fall with Lucifer and his younger sister had been alive.

Lucifer pulls out a small athame and asks Solomon and I to hold out our palms. Luke has sat down on a chair and doesn't look like he is interested in the girl but more on guard surrounded by all the demons in the room. Lucifer traces the sharp edge over our palms and we feed the barrier our blood before stepping through.

Flowers, sunshine, and life, that describes the scent and the energy that meets me when I step through the barrier, but I can also pick up the zinging energy that demons hold within them, and the bright light of celestial power. I see the reason for the multiple barriers surrounding her, it keeps most of her energy sealed so that others don't come looking for her. My own power surges and light flashes in the room. My wings emerge along with the angelic brands that trace my skin. I feel myself as I fall to my knees beside the bed, her presence speaks to me, and I feel myself as I instantly bond to her, and I know deep in my heart that I was meant to be hers.


This girl illuminates with power drawing me toward her as I go through the barrier. But my head jerks up as Simeon's power elevates and I watch as his wings burst from his back. No matter how many times I have seen it, seeing an angel come into their power is an awe inspiring sight. He falls to his knees at the beds edge, his eyes locked to the girl that has also drawn me to her. But not just me and Simeon, the demon brothers feel the pull as well. I can't pick up the scent the demons speak of, but power and energy swirl around her in a iridescent display of color and light. Warmth like sunshine against my skin, but I can also pick up darker aspects that hint at demonic energy. I also see an energy signature similar to my own. It made me wonder if her human blood has hints of power in it from a magical line, her ancestors gifted with power or cursed. My own power had been gifted to me in a ring that I had found, but it had changed me into something that was not wholly human. After all I had been alive centuries in the human realm traveling for ancient relics and amassing my power.

I see Simeon reach out and grab ahold of the girls hand. She instantly opens her eyes and stares up at us. Piercing blue eyes meet Simeon's and then looks to my own, and then before my eyes angelic wings burst from her back and a pained sound leaves her mouth and I flinch at her moan. Her wings disappear as fast as they appeared and she collapses once more as we all stare at her in wonder. I see the brands that Lucifer mentioned tattooing her skin in twists and knots, they a intertwined with her already present brands. Vines trace around her eyes highlighting her face before they gradually fade away. I wouldn't mind knowing how far those brands stretch and what parts of her body they cover.

I look over to Beel as he recovers Hana and smooths her hair back down. A frown puckers her face and her eyes brows are furrowed in sleep, her full lips mouth words I can not hear as if she was speaking to someone in her dreams. Her eyes are burned into my mind, twin blue flames in an angelic face. I can't wait for her to come completely awake so she can rest those eyes on me once again.

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