Chapter 6 Changes and Traits brought forth

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I can't believe the look I see deep within Lucifer's eyes. Once we were one person, but then we became two separate beings as his wrath split from him and I was born, Satan the embodiment of Lucifer's wrath.  He looked at the sleeping girl with actual hope deep in his eyes. But all I can think of is that he only sees a way to make his Lord Diavolo happy. He lived for the man, and it sickened me to my core.

I had felt the anger welling in the girl when I first saw her. A wrath for the injustices that plagued her life, but also I could feel something deeper inside her, like a caged beast waiting to set itself free. It made me tingle at the possibilities, I loved a good fight, and if it was something that pissed off Lucifer the more the better.

As I watched the sleeping girl she reminded me of my own circumstances. All my brothers were Angels fallen from the celestial realm after they followed Lucifer after his revolt. All, but me. She was also something different, something unique. But who would have known such a being like her existed, a blend of the three races. It would be interesting when the Celestials learned of her existence.

Lucifer keys me into the barrier and I step inside. I smell her overwhelming scent, but what gets me is the anger lurking deep inside of her. A trapped animal, stalking its cage as it bides its time, looking for weaknesses. It makes me grin wickedly thinking about how this all could come back to bite Lucifer in the ass. My body is just shy of transforming but I can hold my urges in check. But I won't lie to myself, I want the girl. Her inner darkness calls to my wrath making me want to destroy those who hurt her.

I exit the the barrier before I lose grip on myself. I nod my head to Lucifer so he could proceed. I look towards Beel as he finishes scarfing down all the food in reach.

Hunger and Sated- Beelzebub

Standing up I make my way toward the barrier, I hold out my hand palm up so Lucifer can make a small cut along my palm. The blood wells into a small pool before I press it against the barrier. I can't help but feel slightly nervous as I step through. I had just gorged myself on whatever food was around me so that it would be easier to control my darker urges. I have eaten my fair share of humanoid and non human creatures over the years. I had even bitten of one of Mammons fingers years ago, he had been being mean to Belphie after he had fallen asleep at the table. He then turned to yell at me for eating his food. He should have known better than to wag his finger in my face. His finger grew back, but he learned not to stick it close to my mouth anymore.

Taking a deep breath of Hana's scent my body shutters deeply. My urges take over and I bend over and lick the moisture that had gathered on her forehead. Again that feeling of being full comes over me. Before I can even think of it I crawl into the bed beside her to the protests of my brothers. So comfortable, for the first time in thousands of years I feel sated. I take a deep breath and fall right to sleep.

Lucifer-Demon Traits Emerge

All of us are absolutely shocked as we watch Beel get into Hana's bed and fall straight to sleep. I had never seen this sleepy look of contentment on Beel's face. Well unless food was involved but the contentment didn't last long. But this was different. I can't believe the affect she has on all of us, myself included. I look to Lord Diavolo, but his eyes are transfixed on the scene in front of him. But the look on his face showed that he was thinking deeply about the situation unfolding in front of us. My head jerks up as I hear a scream fill the room as Hana jerks awake. Beel startles awake with her and he starts looking around for whatever caused her to scream. She bends over clutching her head and I watch blood stream between her fingers before it starts to stains the back of her gown. I rush forward and instantly cast the barrier wider for it to open to all of us. Power prickles across my skin and if we were lesser demons all of us would have been smashed against the wall. I watch as horns sprout from her head and leathery wings burst from her back. She looks up into my face as her pupils elongate and her blue eyes glow brightly before staining red. She pants out and I watch as the blood stops flowing. Hana opens her mouth and I see a set of dainty fangs, she moans before her eyes roll in the back of her head and Beel catches her as she falls backward onto the bed. Her horns and wings disappear and the skin where they burst free is healed. All of us experienced the pain as we went from angel to demon. Some of us lost our wings completely and grew things we never had before. It wasn't a pain you could forget, but after that first change they appeared painlessly.

"Well I guess we know that she for sure has demon blood. I definitely wasn't expecting that one. Makes me curious to know if she will also have Angelic traits." My thoughts echo Lord Diavolo's.

"I have a feeling we will find out soon. Simeon and Luke will be here within the hour. There's no way they won't feel her power, it calls to us, so I bet it will call to them too."

"Call Simeon and Luke to my office. Also bring Solomon. We might as well be up front with them. Though I wish to keep this under wraps, that may cause issues down the road. We need to be open with the realms. But they also need to understand that she is under our protection and no harm is to come to her. Anyone that harms her will be held accountable, no matter the race." Lord Diavolo tells the whole room, I look to Satan and Asmodeus and tilt my head towards the door. They both take off to gather up all three males. I look at Beel as he is licking the blood clean off of Hana's face like an animal would it's cub or mate. He snuggles back down on the bed and brushes his hand through her hair. I haven't seen this side to Beel since Lilith, our little sister, was still alive. Its been thousands of years and we all still mourn her loss, my poor Lilith.

I don't know much of this girl, but I can already see that she will be someone that will change us. I see things in her that could both save and destroy us, all we could do now was wait for her to wake now.

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