Extra 1 Hana's Q & A (Not a new story part)

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Hana's Description Q&A

(In response to my asking if there are people who would be willing to draw Hana for me. My sister helped me make the Sim because I have *gasp* never played sims before. I made the description in Hana's words because it would show her personality which I think effects how she looks) (words in italics is Hana speaking. words in () is one of the guys.

Spoiler Alert if you haven't ready Hana's Origin's Pt 2

(In Hana's words)


Hey y'all! Apparently my Bondmates decided it was time for a Q and A! Why? The hell if I know, they said they needed to know more about me. Because apparently, I am the mysterious type. So they are going to ask the questions and I will answer to the best of my ability! Let me apologize for any arguments that are about to take place before hand.

Name and Age: Really? Is that going to be your first question? *Eye Roll* Hana. 25. Don't ask for a full name, I only just found out my mother's name. Ok, ok, so we will go with Hana Eryn Leahya. (Eryn Leahya after my parents I never met) What do you mean I need a last name? Take yours? Mammon, sweetie you are going to have to argue with the others about that. Just because you and your brothers have the same last name doesn't mean I can just take yours. What about Diavolo, Simeon, and Solomon? (Mammon: Who the hell cares about them...ouch! Don't fucking hit me Solomon! What is that spell? Mmm...mmmm...MMMMM??!?!)

Sorry about that, Mammon has been silenced for the remainder of the questioning.

How would you describe your hair? A pain in my ass. What Lucifer? Don't give me that look. This shit is a mess! It is black, Simeon said something about it looking like a raven's wing in color. It's curly and way too damn long. I literally have to lift the shit up or I will sit on it. I really want to cut it off. I only kept it long to cover the scars on my back, but now they are gone so I can cut it. (A chorus of male "NO!!!") *Hana huffs and rolls her eyes* See the shit I have to deal with? Men...

How would you describe your body type? I'm Short maybe 5'1-2 with too many damn curves. I just want to be skinny, but no, girls gotta have a booty and too much damn boob. (Lucifer: Ignore her, she is thin. We all work out enough that she is forming light muscles. But there is nothing wrong with her curves, if anything they make her more beautiful)(Asmodeus: Meaning he is just happy to be able to get a full handful of her breasts while she rides on top of him) Uh-oh Asmo, if you're not careful you'll have to join Mammon in the No-No corner.

What color are your eyes? Good question, because half the time I don't know. They started out blue. But when I get pissed off or overly excited they take on different hues. When my crazy is coming out, they turn red, with snake like pupils. But Diavolo said they turned golden when we were...err...having fun together. Simeon said that the blue changes in shades too. So we will just say my eyes are like a mood ring stone that changes color depending on my mood and what mate I am....uh...having fun with. (Satan: Fucking, who she is fucking) *Hana throws a book at Satan, who dodges and phases in front of her. Satan pulls her into his arms and gives her a biting kiss that has her toes curling and her body tingling. (Satan: See now her eyes are green) Satan smirks before going back to his seat.*

Ignore the new number one Asshat's demonstration. (Lucifer: Who was the old number one?) *Everyone looks at him like how could he not know that he was the number one asshat*

What is your style? Comfortable, I love me some leggings and long shirts. However, those have been mysteriously disappearing from my closet and being replaced with designer wear. According to my best girl-friend (one of the owners of Majolish) I wouldn't know designer if it walked up and blew me. I would have to agree with her. All of my clothes came from second hand stores or Walmart/Kmart/Debs/Rue21 or the Devildom version of Walmart, Devilmart. Mammon is shuttering in the corner like someone is walking over his grave in knock off shoes. (Lucifer: Diavolo I think we should go shopping for Hana again so we can get rid of the rest of those used clothing) Lucifer if anymore of my clothing mysteriously disappears, I won't be held responsible for what happens to those Armani suits you love so much. I could pull a Mammon and 'accidently' send them into the fire grate like he did with my clothes. *Lucifer winces and Diavolo laughs*

I usually wear my hair in varying messy buns and braids. It depends on which of my mates I am waking up with. Asmo likes to experiment with my hair. Beel and Belphie both like to put small braids into it when I fall asleep. Solomon, Lucifer and Diavolo like it down and natural. Simeon likes French Braids, but so does Satan, but Satan is for a whole other reason. Simeon likes to look at the line of my neck and Satan (Satan: I like to hold on to it...from behind) and Satan is a pervert. Levi likes twin braids, because it reminds him of anime girls. Mammon likes when I straighten it, which doesn't happen often because it is a pain in the ass, unless he is the one doing it. Surprisingly he does whenever he wants to see my hair straight, even though he bitches the whole time. (Levi: He is a tsundere) *Mammon starts throwing objects from the no-no corner where he is currently in time out at*

What's your favorite sex position? Asmo! Seriously?! This isn't that type of Q&A!

Who kisses better? Belphie really? Now you're starting?! I am not getting into this with you guys! Next thing I know all ten of you will be holding my ass down and trying to prove who is the better kisser.

Who do you like having sex with best? Oh fuck me! I told ya'll this is not that type of Q&A! Nope! Ya'll stay the hell back! No orgies today! I have to be at work!! I have to be able to walk!

Alright ya'll I'm out! These men are out of control!

See ya next time!

(Note: If you have more questions for Hana and her mates leave them in the comments below!)

(Your favorite Otaku here! I made a SIM of Hana, granted it doesn't do anything for her, because sadly I don't have every single expansion pack. A certain scum brother of mine still owes me money!! **AngryFace!** This Sim does not give her credit she deserves, I couldn't find her luscious curls or the length I needed *sad face* But I at least wanted people to see what her face looked like (or at least something similar) Pretty, right? Gorgeous! Gyyaaaa!!! I'm so lucky! Plus she likes cosplay! EEEEEEeeeee!!!!!)

 A certain scum brother of mine still owes me money!! **AngryFace!** This Sim does not give her credit she deserves, I couldn't find her luscious curls or the length I needed *sad face* But I at least wanted people to see what her face looked like...

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