Chapter 24 Dinner Date with Lucifer

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Day 1


We each get an arranged area for us to sleep in, all the the males get placed in small groups of two to four. I got to play musical bedrooms. Luke, Mammon, and Levi were together. Asmo, Simeon, Solomon and Satan in another. Diavolo and Lucifer were rooming together. Luke pulls me to the side, his face burning red.

"I have a favor..."

"Yea?" I say, trying not to laugh at the obvious embarrassment rolling off of him.

" this is really embarrassing. PleasedonthavesexinmyroomwithMammonandLevi."

His words run together and I can't help it I burst out laughing but take pity on him.

"I won't, I'm sure there are plenty of rooms in this monstrosity of a house to have sex in." His face turns even redder at my remark.

"Oh Creator...please don't get caught having sex in any of the rooms here. I just started to like you, I don't want to see you punished by Lord Diavolo. What if he locks you in the dungeon?" I snort at that.

"I'll be careful." We talk about the food we are planning to make the nights that we are cooking and work together to set up our menus. Cooking was the common ground that Luke and I found with the other, plus I learned of his overwhelming respect for the Archangel Michael. Luke was a lot older than I, but in some aspects he acted younger. I learned that Angels developed differently than humans, not all Angels developed the same. It depended on the degree of power they held.

Simeon had touched on some of this when I had asked, but they didn't know how I would develop as I got older. Tests were still being run on my blood,  and samples of my skin tissue, it appeared that I was frozen at my current age for now. But it would take more tests to confirm the results. Being told I was frozen at my current state was a shock to me. When you grow up knowing you will one day grow old and die, only to find out something different was confusing and I was still wrapping my head around it.

My last appointment with one of the doctors that I had been seeing through Diavolo they had mentioned wanting to test my fertility. I put my foot down at that, I wasn't willing to discuss that at the moment. I might be a hybrid of the three races but I wasn't a damn test subject. The doctor hadn't expressed his disapproval out loud but my gift of picking up negative thoughts was growing.

I need to know if she can reproduce. With this I can make millions of grim, her blood and tissue alone...

I told Lucifer about the doctor's thoughts and I never seen him again. Id be surprised if he was still alive.

Lucifer messaged me to let me know that we would meet after tonight's dinner so not to over eat. I was pretty nervous for Lucifer and my date tonight. I had messaged Cynthia and she told me what to wear for the date.

I messaged Asmo

Hana: I have a favor

Asmo: oh...what kind of favor?

Hana: can you help me get ready for a date with Lucifer after tonight's group dinner

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