Chapter 3 Hidden Power

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"What the fuck Mammon? Why the hell are you in here? Get the fuck out!" I screech as I push my way across the bed and reach for the other heavy bedside lamp. It's plug holds it into the wall and in my struggle I feel my towel hit the bed. My face flames as I hear Mammon go silent. I lift the lamp and turn fully toward him before adjusting my aim and letting the lamp fly. It hits its target with a loud thunk. Mammon goes to his knees and clutches his head. Score one for Hana! But I don't expect the air around him to change and electrify. Oh fuck...minus 100 score for Hana. My eyes bulge as I see his shape change as horns grow on his forehead and webbed wings grow from his back. His clothes shift to black leather his top consisting of straps that show off his dusky skin and the tattoos that line his body. 

"You fucking human! How dare you hurt me? Just because I saw you naked, it isn't like it was worth seeing. What could a human girl do for the Great Mammon?" He thunders at me and I feel my blood boil in rage at his words. 

"How dare me? How dare you! Why didn't you walk out when you seen I was naked you fucking creep! Instead you go all pervy and stand over me." I yell back and I hear my door open. I look over at Asmodeus as his gaze locks onto my body and I see him sniff the air. His body shudders visibly and his eyes start to glow before he also goes demon on me. His clothing changed as horns and wings grew on his body. 

Fuck me . I mutter to myself, I'm not expecting a reply though when I hear Asmodeus purr as he stalks toward me. 



My phone goes off with a text from Asmodeus. It reads SOS Hana's room. Lord Diavolo goes silent as he reads my expression. 

"Lucifer what's the problem now?" I grit my teeth thinking about the human girl who is already bringing trouble with her. I had sent Mammon to her room not long ago and I can only assume they brought attention to themselves by arguing again. 

"Asmodeus sent an SOS telling me to come to Hana's room. I apologize I'll have to cut our conversation short." I stand but Lord Diavolo holds his hand out to stop me from leaving. He stands up from his desk and walks around it. 

"Let me join you Lucifer. The girl is a curious little thing to be causing such a stir so early on. I find it intriguing." 

Lucifer didn't know if it was a good thing to bring such emotions to the land of demons. Lord Diavolo and I teleport back to the House of Lamentation and to Hana's bedroom. 

The room around them was scattered with lamps and books as if they had been thrown around. Mammon and Asmodeus both were in their demon forms trying to talk down a hysterical and extremely pissed off human girl. A naked human girl. 

Hana looks up seeing both himself and Diavolo and a flush steals over her slightly tanned skin. 

"Great, just fantastic. Are you here to go demon and stare at my naked ass too?" My mouth opens in shock as Lord Diavolo laughs out loudly.

"So Hana dear, do you want to explain why you are playing naked tag with these two demons." Diavolo asks as he continues laughing. I am appalled as I watch Mammon's face go scarlet and Asmodeus goes shamefaced. Asmodeus reaction made me ponder the reason for the shame. Then I scent the air about the same time Lord Diavolo does. Honey, wildflowers and the sent of life fills the room, this wasn't the scent I had smelled on the girl when she first arrived here. The slight sweetness from earlier had increased ten fold making her scent draw those sensitive to smell like bees to flowers. I could see the reason for Asmodeus loss of control. He was a thing of Lust and was drawn to this sweet scent, though I still didn't understand the feeling of shame coming from him. 

Hana darts around us heading to the bathroom and I get a full view of her nakedness. I hadn't noticed how long her hair was earlier, the length reaching her butt in a raven mass of curls. As she shifts her body her hair moves giving me a look of a whip scarred back. I glance at Asmodeus as he walks toward me.

He whispers to me. 

"I was fine until I walked in. Mammon lost his shit when she pelted him over the head with a lamp. But I think her scent drew him in. I may have put mirrors in here earlier, I will remove them. Mammon doesn't react like I do to her scent. But after the lamp and I seen her back before I messaged you. He stopped his advance when he saw the scars but she was already in mid swing. She knocked him right in the forehead. I teleported outside the bedroom, but when I opened the door to intervene, between seeing her nakedness and that scent I lost control. I bathed the room with pheromones that didn't faze her one bit, Mammon on the other hand lost it further. Her eyes blanked out when the three of us made skin contact and we were thrown into her nightmare. I made her relive her worst fear. Both of us got a first seat lesson to why she doesn't take shit from anyone. When the three of us crashed back into our bodies she freaked the hell out and trashed the room. If we weren't demons both of us would be recovering from heavy head wounds. Brother, I don't think this girl is what she believes herself to be. When she first opened her eyes after her nightmare her eyes glowed faintly and brands I've never seen before flashed along her skin." Lucifer looks into his brothers eyes as does Lord Diavolo,  Lord Diavolo shakes his head confirming the truth in his brothers words.

Lucifer looks at Diavolo before asking "Were you aware of this, or are you just as surprised." 

"No Lucifer, I believed the girl fully human. Her scent was human, raised in an orphanage. Worked her whole life but done well in her schooling when she was able to go. Remember you picked her profile and I approved." 

Lucifer thinks back to the day he had spent hours combing through stacks of applicants. Suddenly a gust of wind had swept through the room causing all his neatly stacked files to scatter. Out of anger he picked the only paper that had fallen into his lap. Her profile out of hundreds. It made him wonder if someone had a hand in bringing her to them.

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