Chapter 23 Lord Diavolo's Castle

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Lucifer sent me a picture of a laughing Hana trying on gowns at Majolish. He had captured her mid laugh as she was talking to Cynthia the owner about something. I asked Lucifer what she had been laughing about but he said she refused to tell him. Apparently her and the owner had become fast friends in the short amount of time. I was glad she made a friend outside of RAD. It was one of the things I had been worried about was any of the exchange students making friends.

But I had gotten a lot of positive reports from the school about all the students. Most of everyone got along after they found common ground with each other. Solomon who was already well known in the Devildom was popular among the students and had gained multiple pacts since arriving here. Luke, who wasn't a big fan of demons, still got on well with the students in the baking club, Simeon was popular with both male and female students, though a few hadn't been too happy when they found out he was Bound. But Hana was who I was worried about, jealousy was something that a lot of demons had problems with and some hadn't taken to kindly to an unknown female being Bondmates to the most powerful demons in the Devildom. I had heard about the succubus and incubus she had had a run in with. Though the brothers kept them alive at the time. I however did not. Both demons had meant to kill her if they got her alone. They couldn't lie to me, so now they were both dust.

I may put on a smiling face, but I did not take kindly to those who lied to me. I may have been avoiding Hana, but that didn't mean I wanted anything bad to happen to her. So when I interrogated the succubus, after some persuasion she had admitted that she did not agree to humans being with a Demon which is why she originally planned to kill the girl. Then when Hana had transformed into a demon, one that ranked more powerful than her it had scared her. She had planned to have someone else help her murder the girl, that's where the incubus had come in. He was going to try and seduce her to him to lure her away. His plan didn't work because Leviathan stepped in and drained him of his vitality.

So for the planned murder of Hana they both died. Far more quickly than what death they had planned for her though. Lucifer was present while I had spoken with both demons and he was in full agreement with the sentence. It had been a long time since I had seen Lucifer so angry. He had been in full demon form and anger radiated off of him in waves. He had no intentions of letting either demon off.

I didn't know how to handle the bond with Hana. I'm not sure why I told Lucifer that I wanted to escort her to the Ball. But that's all I could think about after seeing her smiling picture.

I knew there was no way at all to keep myself from bonding to her. Our souls called to each other. It wasn't that I didn't want her, I did. I found her invading my thoughts and dreams daily. But I had too many questions that needed answered before then.

Maybe it was time to bring in someone else. I didn't like to use Barbatos for his Gift of Time, but here soon I would have no choice. But I would put it off until the end of this group excursion. I didn't know what would happen once the truth was revealed.


Diavolo's castle is massive, but beautiful in a very gothic era sense. Pictures and statues set in dark and beautiful themes line the walls. Willow-O-Whisps light the pathways inside and hundred of candles light the massive rooms.

When we enter Diavolo greets us in his Demon form and he looks damn sexy. His tanned chest is on display with low riding billowing pants. His dark brands tattoo across the muscle of his chest. Ooh Baby! I wouldn't mind running my tongue along those we fu...down girl. Bad Hana! I chastise myself inwardly. Mammon walks up behind me and whispers.

"You're drooling, might want to shut your mouth. If you wanna keep it open I can put my di....ow!!" I reach a hand behind him and pinch his ass and he jumps up and squeals. I cover my mouth to hide my giggles as Mammon glares at me.

He knew he liked it though.

"For the next week we will be introducing things to each other from each realm. We will also be having formal and non formal dinners that are themed based on each realm. Representatives from each will be helping Barbatos cook the meals. This will also be a training excursion to help us work together in the future. As most of you know there are Good and Evil no matter the race. No single race is Evil, as no single race is Good. There can be both light and dark, but you can find light in the darkest places and vice versa. You can not condemn a race as being one or the other. That's one of my goals for this exchange program is that we get to know each race. We will get further into this discussion at a later time."

I knew that there was both good and evil here in the Devildom like I knew there was good and evil in the human realm. The only Angels I had met were Simeon, Luke, and the Archangel Michael. I had never been to the Celestial Realm so I couldn't attest to whether there was evil in that Realm. But I knew that there was evil everywhere. I had lived through evil acts towards me as a child in the human realm.

"Barbatos will be cooking for the group tonight. Luke will be helping him cook on the nights we have food from the Celestial Realm and Hana will be helping the nights we have food from the Human Realm. One night we will all work together to coordinate a dinner with dishes from every realm. On the final night we will have a Ball, a formal dance where there will be our student hosts, plus we will have guests from each realm. During that night we will be on neutral territory, there will be no in fighting at all. There will be special representatives from the human and celestial realms present."

"Who is coming from the Celestial Realm" Luke asks looking hopeful. Diavolo smiles before answering.

"Exactly who you are hoping to come, Archangel Michael will be paying a visit to the castle for the first time since I took over as High Lord of the Devildom."

Luke is ecstatic with the news and I cant say I blamed him. He looked up to Michael and missed his mentor.

But me, I had a million questions for the Archangel and I hoped now he would be more forthcoming with answers.

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