Part 3

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Roli was driving towards the college...

When she was nearing the bus stop...

She was about to skid in the two wheeler and managed to balance...

That is when she heard that...

yes she heard group of boys laughing loudly...

She looked towards the group...

She was irritated how these boys are like this...

How come they laugh when someone face some trouble...

She cornered her two wheeler and got down from the vehicle...

She marched towards the group of boys angrily...

Roli: Oh Mr...

He was turned against her and was laughing seriously... On her calling...

He turned towards her with a expression of 'What'...

Roli: Why are you laughing???

He laughed again...

Yes he was none other than Siddhant...

Siddhant: See friends.. it seems like we need to take permission from her to laugh...

Roli: Its not good to laugh like this...

SIddhant: Are you crazy??? Everyone tells that 'Laughter is good medicine' while you are telling not good...

Roli: Laughter is good.. but not seeing someone in trouble...

Siddhant: Someone in trouble.. who is in trouble now???  Who saw that trouble??? 

Roli: Dont try to behave innocent...

Siddhant: Friends.. did anyone saw anyone in trouble... 

They lift their shoulders as denial...

Siddhant: look... no one knows about any trouble...

Roli: I dont believe... they are your friends and all support each other...

Siddhant: Oh Oh Oh!!! now i got...

Roli: What???

Siddhant: I understood that trouble... it is none other than you right...

He laugh again...

Roli: Mind you...

Siddhant: Oh girl... I dont know whether you are like this since birth or only from middle... I mean manufacture defect or under service...

Siddhant & his friends laughed...

Roli showed angry look at Siddhant...

Roli: you... you... you... How dare you can talk like this to me... you know who am i???

SIddhant: Oh!!! you are the president of India or Prime minister of India or anything like that... Sorry we are not aware...

Roli: Stupids.. not even know how to behave with girls...

Siddhant: Why cant you teach us how to behave with girls...  I will join you as student...

Roli: You.. as student of mine... Remember i will turn you left and right...

Siddhant: is it... lets see... Before you turn me left and right.. i will turn you front and back...

Roli: How dare you...

Siddhant: Oye.. trying something better... i am expecting more from you... 

Roli: No use of talking to such stupids...

Siddhant: Very late realisation... Better luck next time to be more bright...

Roli turned chilli red and took her bike...

She drive towards the college...

His friends noticed that...

Friend: Siddhant.. see she is entering into the college...

Siddhant: Good... interesting.. so she seems to be student of our college.. Lets see who is turning whom to which direction...

Siddhant gave mischief smile...

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