Part 16

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Roli as well as Siddhant spent a restless night that day...

Of course.. the unexpected & unusual closeness which they experienced that day gave great impact on them...

The beautiful moment where Siddhant hold her hand and hug her created thrill inside them...

When he moved towards her face... The eye lock... the closeness...

If not Roli disturbed the situation... Then...

Roli blushed...

Siddhant smiled...

Next day...

Roli entered into the class & looked at Siddhant...

She just diverted her sight and went to her desk...

She took the attendance book and started reading the names...

When the alphabets were moving towards S...

When the turn of his name came...

Roli: Sid...

She got struck...

Roli remembered calling him Sid.. Siddhant the previous day to distract that moment...

Roli blushed...

Then she got back her senses being in the class...

She skipped his name and continued taking attendance...

Then the classes started...

Throughout she avoided to even look at him...

Siddhant was well noticing all her actions... and reactions...

Roli was finding difficulty to even take the class...

Finally the class came to an end giving breathe of relief to Roli...

She took her book and rushed out of the class...

Siddhant smiled...

In the evening...

Siddhant was waiting for her...

After some more waiting...

Roli entered into the room...

She was finding difficulty in facing him...

Siddhant: It seems you did overtime today that it took long time to come here...  Have you taken me out of college???

Roli: Yes.. i was having some work in my cabin.. that's why...   No... you are very well in the college...

Siddhant: Oh!!! I can understand... Teacher will be having so many works to do... Then why you didn't read out my name while taking attendance...

Roli: What to do.. i was taking little notes for tomorrow classes...  What can i do when you made me unable to take your name...

Siddhant: Hmm.. then we can expect power pack classes tomorrow right... What i did that you are unable to take my name...

Roli: My classes are always power packed... You have any doubt in it... What you expect me to tell now... when you made me speechless...

Siddhant: I dont have any doubt... Even if i doubt.. i never wait to clear it.. You didn't allowed me to do anything to make you speechless...

Roli: I know... you are bold enough to ask your doubts and get clarified...  How can i even allow when it is not right...

Siddhant: Thanks for your appreciation... What is not right... Tell that looking at me...

Siddhant looked into her eyes...

Roli was unable to meet his eyes...

She rushed towards the window and stood looking out of the window...

Roli: You are welcome... When you dont think to appreciate my teaching then why i need to think to appreciate you... Siddhant.. i cant handle this... 

Siddhant: Its always good to appreciate & critic then and there... Roli... i can handle this.. 

Siddhant hold her shoulder and caressing her hand went down towards her fingers and with her hands back hug her tightly...

Roli closed her eyes without getting words...

When Siddhant moved towards her face...

When Roli felt his breathe on her face...

She got her senses and pushed him and came out of his hold...

Siddhant again hold her hand and pulled her towards him...

Roli fell on his chest...

Siddhant wrapped his hand around her waist and smiled...

Roli: Let me leave... I am getting late... I was not expecting this from you... Is this the reason you wanted to dance with me... you wanted to rehearse with me...

Roli took his hand from her and pushed him away...

Siddhant: Are you sure you are getting late & leaving now...   You thought about me so cheap... that i planned to dance & rehearse for this... Then remember i wont touch you without you coming to me... 

Roli: Yes thinking of leaving now... Wont you dance with me then???

Siddhant: Ok.. you can very well leave... Yes i will dance as i committed for that... But other than dance..

He nod his head as 'No'

Siddhant rushed out of the room...

Roli was frightened seeing his sudden anger...

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