Part 12

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Roli came with that announcement...

Yes it was cultural day announcement...

Roli: Wish all students participate in this cultural day and make it all success...

All were excited...

Why not when that is the day where all can do dancing.. singing... and enjoy to their best...

Roli informed to give the name to her whoever wish to participate...

On that day.. in that lunch break...

One by one students went to her and gave their names for participation...

Siddhant didn't give his name...

Roli saw him when she came out of the staff room...

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant: Hmm... 

Roli: You are not participating in the culturals...

Siddhant: No.. i am not...

Roli: But why...

Siddhant: I think it is not compulsion...

ROli: Of course it is not compulsion... but just asked... i think you are not ok for dance, singing like cultural activities...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant: I got bored with all these cultural shows... When i get on stage then you will understand what i knows...

Roli: Oh Really!!! Then why cant you get on stage and proof yourselves...

Siddhant: I dont think there is any need...

Roli: Of couse not... Infact what if all started running from the place seeing your performance.. it is better you dont participate only...

Siddhant: Oh!!! All will run seeing my performance... why cant you perform to stick them to the seats...

Roli: Yes.. i can.. but thinking.. it is show for students and i am no more student now in this college...

Siddhant: No problem... there is no such rule that teacher cant participate... so you can have a try...

Roli: Sure.. i will... i know you are good in cultural activities seeing the records.. why cant you participate...

Siddhant: No I wont.. there is no need for me to participate for others... I will only if i have interest to do that... 

Roli: Your wish... why i am going to compel you even... 

Siddhant: Even if you compel me.. i am not the one who will hear anyone.. specially you...

Roli: That i know very well... Shall i write your name too...

Siddhant: WHy should you.. No.. i cant... Will you perform with me...

Roli: Are you kidding... Teacher with student... All will laugh at us...

Siddhant: Yes everyone will laugh seeing your performance... I am asking so that everyone will see at same time what is performance and what is not...

Roli: Excuse me.. i am classical dancer... dont judge me without knowing...

Siddhant: I am not judge to judge you... Then why cant you dance with me...

Roli: Dont think i will accept to perform with you if you ask like this... All will pass comments... 

Siddhant: I am also not very eager to perform with you... let anyone pass any comments what bother us...

Roli: Dont even imagine something like this will ever happen... I am least bothered whether you perform or not.. If not interested leave it..  

Siddhant: That is what i said in first place... i am not going to perofrm... I will perform only if you agree to perform with me...

Roli: What sort of childish adamant is this???  Will management agree for professor & student perform together...

Siddhant: Yes i am adamant.. i wont flex myself for anyone for anything... you got it... Who will tell anything.. Lets give the name & see whether they object...

Roli: Yes i know you are not flexible.. I am seeing you from 1st day of college.. Shall i give the name then???

Siddhant: Yes  I am also seeing you from 1st day of college.. You are equally adamant to me.. Give the name together with yours...

Siddhant went from there towards his friends..

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