Part 22

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Siddhant was missing in the class as usual...

Roli hide her heavy heart and continued her class...

When she finished her class and went to her staff room...

Siddhant's friend went to meet her in the cabin...

Friend: Mam... i got something to tell you...

Roli: What it is???  You got any doubt in the subject or what???

Friend: No Mam.. Siddhant is not well...

Roli: What???

Roli was shocked...

Friend: Yes mam... that day when it was raining he went getting wet... It seems like even after reaching home.. he was in the terrace for long with wet clothes.. Since that day he is not well...

Roli: Oh no!!! How is his health now.. what is doctor telling about his health???

Friend: Mam... you should not mistake me if i tell that.. i just got call from his house...

Roli: Mistake you... for what... first tell me about his health...  What call you got from his house???

Friend: His mother called me and told he is not in full conscious...

Roli: OMG!!! Why are you stretching this much... tell me what it is...

Friend: In that unconscious state.. he is telling your name...

Roli: What???

Roli was surprised...

Friend: Yes Mam... His mother called and asked who is 'Roli'.. I told her that you are professor... She asked me to request you to come to their home as he is only telling your name in that unconscious state...

Roli: Can you give their address to me...

She note his address...

She informed for leave and rushed towards her vehicle...

She took her two wheeler and rushed towards Bharatwaj house...

When she entered into the house...

Nirmala Bharatwaj, Sujatha & Rajender Bharatwaj were sitting in the hall...

They looked at her without knowing who she is...

Roli: I am Roli...

Sujatha: Oh!!! you are the one... Please come in...

Roli entered into the house slowly and took her steps..

She was wondering what to talk or ask them...

Sujatha: Roli... We were wondering whose name Siddhant is telling even in unconscious state.. not bad selection.. We are happy to have you as our daughter in law... 

Nirmala: Yes Sujatha.. Even if we might have went in search of girl for him.. we might have not got such girl... Welcome Roli... 

Roli was wondering what they are talking about...

Nirmala: What are you seeing surprised... When Siddhant took your name even in unconscious state.. we understand the sort of relationship between you both... Go.. Go and see Siddhant.. He may get back normal easily if you are with him...

Sujatha took her to Siddhant's room...

Sujatha: Roli... Doctor is giving treatment and we are giving food and medicine.. But something is there in his mind that he is keep on telling your name only... That is why we decided to bring you so that he can get alright soon... Please take care of him...

Sujatha went down leaving Roli in his room...

Roli looked inside...

Siddhant was in the bed wrapped with blanket...

With his eyes closed while his lips said that...


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