Part 31

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Siddhant took his family members and reached Roli's house...

As Roli already informed her family members about their arrival...

Roli's mother prepared sweets and snacks for them...

Roli got ready in a beautiful saree...

Siddhant & Bharatwaj family members entered into the house and sat in sofa..

They got warm welcome from Roli's parents...

Siddhant eyes were searching for Roli...

All elders noticed and chuckled...

Both family members started talking with each other...

Siddhant was not having interest in any of those general talks...

After a while... He got no more patience...

Siddhant: You all continue your discussion.. I will just come...

Siddhant got up and looked around for Roli's room...

Meena: She is in upstairs room...

Siddhant blushed...

He rushed towards her room...

He knocked the door...

Roli: COming mom...

She was expecting her mom to knock for taking her down...

Roli opened the lock and without seeing who is there she turned against the door and started talking...

Roli: Mom... Is this dhori properly tied.. Is the blouse fitting is right... 

She adjusted the blouse neck in the back side...

Roli: you know he wont like if i go like not ok...When one day i went with wet hairs.. he got angry too... Please check whether everything is ok...

By now Roli reached near mirror and that is when she saw the image of Siddhant behind her with a mischief smile...

Siddhant: No Roli.. the dhori is not tied properly.. Let me correct it...

Roli blushed...

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