Part 23

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Roli went near Siddhant and sat beside him...

Roli: Siddhant... 

She got tears... She was not getting any words...

Roli: I am sorry... 

She looked at him...

Roli: You decided the rain & sickness is 100 & 1000 times better than me...

She remembered him telling that day...

Roli: If i am that much in your hatred then why are you telling my name... what does this mean.. when you dont want to see me.. dont want to talk to me... dont want to touch me.. then why you chat my name in your unconscious state.. what it means...

Roli was crying...

Roli: what childishness is this Siddhant... Why cant you understand what i tried to tell you... You are adamant... adamant to that extent that you are thinking you are alone right... Did you ever tried to know about what i tried to tell you or what is my feelings... 

She got her throat blocked...

Roli: If i dont like you then what was between us since our day 1... You know that i miss you if you dont come to class and i know that you were in the class for me... 

She drink some water...

Roli: WHo compelled you for performance... inspite of fear of others telling something who gave name of mine with yours... who was in front of principal for giving name like that... who was practising dance with you... Only me right...

Roli seek her justification...

ROli: But when you moved close to me.. when you suddenly touch me... when you suddenly hug me... when you suddenly came close to me.. what you expect me to do... Do you expect me to hug you back.. do you expect me to kiss you back... wont i take some time to prepare myself... accept myself... 

She was unable to control her tears...

Roli: That too we are professor and student... Wont i hesitate...Why cant you understand any of these... You hurt me as well as hurt yourselves... who told to hug the rain & sickness like this..Do you think i can bear this...

Roli was unable to bear any more and burst out for a while...

Roli: Its ok even if you dont consider me... if you dont talk to me.. if you dont see me.. if you dont touch me.. but dont ever do like this... I wish you be good atleast somewhere and not like this... Get well soon.. Get well soon...

Roli was unable to be there anymore...

She just rushed down...

Sujatha: Roli..

Roli: Maaji.. i cant see him like this. i am going.. i am going...

She just rushed towards her vehicle...

Roli took her two wheeler and rushed towards her house...

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