Part 5

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Roli took the attendance of the students and found his name as 'Siddhant'

Roli: Shall we start the class now???

Siddhant: Excuse me Mam...

ROli: yes...

She got irritated still cant show such irritation to the students that too on her first day of her class...

Siddhant: You have taken attendance and came to know about all our names... 

Roli: yes... of course...

Siddhant: But what is your name??? you didn't introduce yourselves...

Roli showed angry look at Siddhant...

Still he was right...

It was her duty to introduce herself...

But because of the irritation created by him since morning...

She even forgot that...

Siddhant: Mam... is your name so complicated???

Roli: Why???

Siddhant: You are taking so long to just tell your name!!! Any help needed...

Roli: Roli...I am Roli...

Siddhant: Oh!!! Nice name...

Roli: No mention...  Can we start the class now...

Siddhant: Sure... of course... i think you have come for that and we have come to hear that...

Roli hide all her irritation and started her class...

When she turned towards board and was writing...

Her pony was moving right & left reminding Siddhant about himself teasing her on that...

Siddhant smiled...

But at the same time... He need to admit...

Yes he need to admit that she is having good talent in teaching...

Her teaching was crystal clear and if he really listen to it.. then he may not even need to open his book for the exams...

Still Siddhant didn't wish to leave it cool...

He started asking her questions as doubts...

Roli inspite of being irritated never denied to explain him the details...

Siddhant raised his eyebrows...

Siddhant was waiting for the class to complete...

After completion of the class...

Roli took her notebook and went out from the class...

Siddhant went behind Roli...

Roli gave angry look on seeing Siddhant coming behind her...

Roli: What now???

Siddhant: So you finally turned to be my teacher...

Roli: So you finally turned to be my student...

Siddhant: So now you will turn me left and right!!!

Roli: So you will turn me front and back!!!

Siddhant: I didn't expect this twist in this tale...

Roli: I too didn't expect...

Siddhant: Hmmm... you know i wonder... 

Roli: What???

Siddhant: I wonder how you like girl who i mean... as i said.. from the birth or in the middle was able to give such lecture in the class...

Roli: What to do... to the persons like you from the birth or from the middle... i need to be like that only... Otherwise i am very fine to normal persons...

Siddhant: is it!!!

Roli: Yes... and mind you... you are talking to your professor...

Siddhant: Oh!!! Yes... And mind are talking to your student...

Roli: Yes i know... i am talking to my student ... very well...

Roli turned her face and went to her cabin in the staff room...

Siddhant with a smile moved towards his friends who were waiting for him to join for having fun...

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