Part 33

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Roli called Siddhant...

Roli was tensed...

Of course being it is Siddhant's exam day...

Yes.. First day of exam...

Roli: Siddhant.. how you prepared...

Siddhant laughed...

Siddhant: Roli.. you are tensed as if i am giving school board exam.. No worry... I will do it...

Roli: Siddhant lets go to temple today.. So lets start now and meet in the temple..

Siddhant: Roli... Are you going to offer special prayer or what...

Roli: Siddhant... All are game for you... Please come naa yaar...

Siddhant: Ok ok... When my Roli wish for it.. no second thought... I am just leaving in 10 minutes...

Roli: Why 10 minutes... start now...

Siddhant: Roli... i am yet to take bath... So will take bath and get ready...

Roli: You are yet to take bath also.. So bad.. see the time now...

Siddhant: What can i do.. My Roli is not here to push me to bathroom to take bath... Why cant you come here ROli... to push me...

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant: ok ok... Dont get angry...

Roli: it seems i need to push you to take bath and my time in the morning will be spent on pushing you only...

Siddhant: you are wrong..

Roli: What wrong... 

Siddhant: Instead of pushing me to take bath... Just tell me that you will join me in taking bath... Then next second i will be in bathroom...

Roli: Siddhant.. you naughty...

Siddhant: Ok ok.. I am coming in 10 minutes.. ok...

Roli disconnected the line...

She swiftly got ready and went to temple...

Siddhant reached there in few more minutes...

RoSid entered into temple and prayed to God...

Roli informed pandit to perform special pooja...

Siddhant was happy seeing this caring Roli...

He was just gazing at her...

Roli: What are you gazing like that... we are in temple.. pray to God...

Siddhant: No worry Roli.. you are praying for me also.. So no need for me to pray separately.. I am just admiring my ROli who is tensed about my exams...

Roli smiled...

RoSid came out of the temple...

Siddhant: Roli.. this tension is all because being a teacher or being lover...

ROli: If i am tensed being teacher... then i might have got tensed for all my students.. not for you alone... I am tensed for you.. My lover...

By now they reached near their vehicles...

SIddhant: Roli... Dont worry.. i will write well... If possible give some energy booster...

Roli: Energy booster...

Siddhant: Yes...

When Roli was wondering what he is talking about...

Siddhant went near her face and peck her lips...

Siddhant: This is enought for now.. I will handle my exams...

ROli: Siddhant... we have come to temple...

Siddhant: So what.. I am only loving my darling...

ROli blushed...

Roli: Siddhant we are getting late...

When she was about to leave towards her vehicle...

She turned towards him...

She kissed on his cheeks and rushed towards her vehicle...

Siddhant with a smile rub his wet cheeks and get into the car...

RoSid reached the college...

Roli: All the best Siddhant... 

Siddhant: Thank you Roli...

Siddhant entered into the exam hall..

Exams started...

Siddhant did each & every exam very well...

RoSid were excited in completing the exams successfully...

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