Part 9

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Siddhant was in his class...

Friend: Siddhant.. lets go for cinema today...

Siddhant: We will go later...

Friend: Later.. lets go for 11 o clock show...

Siddhant: no.. we will go for 3 o clock show afternoon...

Friend: Why Siddhant... You are not at all coming now a days unlike previous graduations...

Siddhant: When i said i wont come.. let us go by noon i said...

Friend: But why???

Siddhant: Nothing specific...

Friend: Then what is the problem.. when you are ready to cut noon section.. then what is problem in cutting now...

Siddhant: Attendance... attendance will go right...

Friend laughed...

Friend: When we cared about Attendance Siddhant... its surprising to hear this from you...

Friend: hmm.. i think you want to see your fighting teacher..

Siddhant: Come on... nothing like that...

Friend: No Siddhant.. there is something.. 

Siddhant: Nothing... She teaches well and there will be no need for me to read again for giving exams thats why...

Friend: Oh!!! teaching well.. when you started appreciating that fighting teacher...

Siddhant: See fighting is different.. but she is talented which we cant deny... 

Friend: She is talented too..

Siddhant: yes of course... just try to concentrate on her class.. then you dont even need to look into the book for giving exam... 

Friend: you have fallen for her teaching it seems...

Siddhant: She is good teacher.. what is there to fall in teaching...

Friend: Something is there... which you are hiding from me...

Siddhant: Why are you behind me today... if you really want to go now itself.. then you can very well go... but if you want me to come then you need to wait till afternoon...

Friend: SIddhant.. when i went leaving you in all these years... 

Siddhant: Then you need to wait no other go...

Friend: Siddhant... you changed a lot... after that teacher...

Siddhant: I wish we dont discuss about her.. she is one of our teacher.. why are you behind her and me now... 

By the time... Roli entered into the class...

Classes started and Siddhant started concentrating in the class...

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