Part 10

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Roli was taking class..

Siddhant who was attending the class noticed that...

yes.. Her hair was wet...

The water from the hair was wetting her back completely...

The wet dress was sticking to her body

Siddhant was feeling uneasy to see her like that...

When he turned towards his friend...

He can understand his friend is admiring her beauty on that wet clothes...

Siddhant noticed other students in the class...

He can find few more also doing the same like his friend...

Siddhant was irritated...

He tried to concentrate in the class while his eyes were only noticing the eyes admiring her wet dress...

Siddhant swiftly got up and rushed out of the class while Roli was still take the class...

Roli was wondering.. what happened to him...

She never saw him going like this in middle of class though he fight outside the class...

She was unable to guess the reason behind...

Still she was not finding time to think about it in the middle of the class...

She continued her class and went to her cabin in the lunch break...

When she took her lunch box from the bag...

Siddhant rushed inside the cabin...

Roli was wondering what happened to him...

Siddhant: Roli... Dont you know how to come to class...

Roli: What do you mean???

Siddhant: I mean what i said... you are teacher who get attention of so many in the class.. you should remember that...

Roli: I cant understand... what went wrong???

Siddhant: Hmmm... Nothing.. its pathetic you dont even know what happened...

Roli: Really i cant understand Siddhant... Tell me what i did... i came in normal chudidar only right.. 

Siddhant: yes in chudidar only... but how was that chudidar...

Roli: Siddhant... you are talking as if i committed some blunder... moreover what is bothering you in whatever dress i come...

Siddhant: Yes.. you are right.. nothing should bother me.. What if you come in any dress... in whatever manner you come... you are teacher and i am student right...

Roli: Yes of course... Dont try to teach me...

Siddhant: Of course.. i am also not here to teach anyone.. I came to college to just learn my graduation and not to teach you...

Roli: Better and good you understood that..

Siddhant: Well.. come in any manner... i wont tell you anything or get disturbed too..

Siddhant moved from there...

ROli: Siddhant...

Siddhant stopped where he was...

Roli: Tell me naa... what happened.. why are you disturbed...

Siddhant: Disturbed.. why should i... 

Roli: You left the class also in the middle...

Siddhant: Oh!!! professor is concerned that i cut the class in the middle...

Roli: Wont i... I was taking class and you went in the middle.. what bother you today...

Siddhant: What bother me.. why should i bother... nothing...

Roli: I am also not concerned what is bothering you... i just asked as a teacher why you cut the class in the middle...

Siddhant: Well... i was getting bored in the class... thats why... is this explanation to the teacher enough from this student...

Roli: Oh!!! I was boring in the class... then why you sit in my classes when i am that much boring for you... you can cut before i come only instead of going in the middle...

Siddhant: Well.. i will do that from tomorrow.. which i feel better now...

Roli was looking at Siddhant...

Siddhant looked at Roli and took further couple of steps...

Siddhant: Dont ever keep your hair wet like today...

Siddhant just rushed outside the cabin...

Roli was shocked hearing that...

She touch her hair and can find the hair was still wet which was making her dress also wet...

It was her mistake... She got up late that day...

She took hair wash and was not finding time to dry it...

She just put a clip and started immediately...

The wet hair which was thick and long was not getting dried easily...

Roli understood what was bothering Siddhant...

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