Part 32

838 33 1

RoSid were sitting in front of the Principal..

Principal was going through the Marriage invitation given by RoSid just now...

Principal: I am really happy about you both.. but Siddhant you are smart enough to make your teacher herself to marry you...

RoSid smiled...

Principal: But this was expected by me on that Cultural day itself...

Roli: Sir, why are you telling like this Sir...

Principal: Why means.. i was one among the people who were very near to the stage to see that...

Roli: I dont get you Sir...

Principal: Roli... this is not fair that you still pretend as if nothing known...

Roli: Really i cant understand what you are telling Sir...

Principal: Hmmm... So you expect me to tell.. the Missing feeling of you for him.. His missing feeling for you all were clearly shown during your performance... Over and above when we saw him kissing you on stage... 

Roli: What???

Principal: Roli you are reacting as if nothing is known to you...

Roli looked at Siddhant...

Siddhant: Sir.. in real she dont know that...

Principal|: What are you talking Siddhant...

Siddhant: Actually we got misunderstanding during practice time... i was not talking to her.. we were missing each other.. that is what you told that it was in real.. it was not just performance.. but it was real...

Roli was looking at Siddhant surprised as he was not knowing he too showed missing feeling to that extent that others too noticed it...

Siddhant: When we did close steps.. i went near her face and placed a kiss out of my control and moved before she could realise it... But i never thought you might have noticed it...

Roli was shocked...

Principal: OH!!! is it.. really surprising.. I was wondering that day why you react like that... Anyway now it is ending in marriage.. we are happy about it... Congratulations...

RoSid: Thank you Sir...

Then RoSid went to their classroom...

Siddhant distributed the invitation to the class students...

Student1: Well.. we were expecting this.. As i did noticed how Siddhant used to see when Mam teach us...

Student2: Moreover he never attend the classes for whole year and when that happened.. we were sure something is there...

Student3: You both are good pair.. we wish you both stay happily forever...

All students gave their side of opinions...

Roli was surprised...

That evening...

When Siddhant took her in the car...

Roli moved towards him and wrapped her hand around him...

She kissed on his cheeks...

Roli: Siddhant you loved me so much.. Everyone is aware about your love towards me while i missed to realise and recognise...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant: Its situation and not your mistake... You were hesitating being professor... that is very well known to me...

Roli: That is right... but Siddhant i was surprised how i didn't realise you kissed during performance in culturals...

Siddhant: Yes Roli... That day while performing you closed your eyes when you faced me for a fraction of moment... I swiftly kissed you and moved away and continued the steps.. But as you were into the performance.. didn't realise it... 

Roli: Oh!!! That moment.. when my eyes meet yours.. i was lost for a second and to control me.. i closed my eyes... and i felt like you kissing while i thought it is my imagination... 

Siddhant: Oh!!! Imagination.. This shows Roli used to imaging me kissing you right... Tell me.. Telll me...

Roli hide her on his shoulders with a blush...

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