Part 11

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Next day...

Roli parked the 2 wheeler and looked around...

Yes she found Siddhant who was also coming parking his car...

Roli took fast steps and went ahead of him...

When Siddhant was wondering why she went ahead...

Roli caresses her hair and turned towards Siddhant...

Siddhant understood she is showing the hair is dry...

SIddhant nod his head as acceptance...

Roli slow down her walk while Siddhant fast up a little and joined her walk...

Roli: So...

Siddhant: So...

Roli: You wont attend my classes...

Siddhant: Yes i wont...

Roli: My classes are boring...

Siddhant: Yes of course...

Roli: It will be boring only for the boring persons...

Siddhant: Oh!!! I am boring person...

Roli: Then what... are you interesting...

Siddhant: That i dont know... Why cant my teacher certify how i am...

Roli: Yes... i can certify my student... as...

Siddhant: As...

Roli: Chilli hot person...

Siddhant: I am chilli hot person... then my teacher justification is not right...

Roli: Why not right... anyone will certify you like that only if saw yesterday...

Siddhant: If i dont turn chilli hot yesterday then i am not...

Roli: You are not...

Siddhant: Why should i tell you... why cant you find being teacher of mine...

Roli: Sure i will find out... But got better jobs now... the class will start in few minutes...

Siddhant: Well... you can very well concentrate on those better jobs...

Roli: If something bother you.. why cant you tell it directly... instead getting tensed like that... how can i understand...

Siddhant: For name sake only you are teacher and keep on reminding yourself that you are teacher... but what is the use...

Roli: What do you mean???

Siddhant: You cant understand anything...  you are like dullest student in the class and not the teacher on those moments...

Roli: How dare you???

Siddhant: Yes.. i dare... You are the dullest... Let me see what you will do...

Roli: You... you... If you are telling the teacher dullest.. then what about you who is studying in my class... 

Siddhant: Well.. that is my concern... i fear what if i too become dull like you...

Roli: Then its better you dont attend my class... 

Siddhant: That is what i told already.. Yes.. i wont...

Roli: Well.. you can very well do that...

Siddhant: I dont need permission from you to cut the class or attend.. i can very well do on my own...

Roli: of course you do it... who bothers... whether you come to class or not...

Siddhant: Well said.. am i your only student that you are taking the class...

Roli: Exactly... so many students are there in the class who will attend my class.. i have not started my career as professor to teach you...

Siddhant: Good... that you got clarified at least now...

By now they reached near the staff room...

Roli need to get into staff room now... 

When Siddhant turned towards his class...

Roli: You are coming to the class right...

Siddhant: hmmm...will come...

Siddhant rushed towards his class...

Roli entered into the staff room...

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