Part 4

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Siddhant was unable to hold his eagerness...

Siddhant: Friends.. lets get into college and see what that girl is doing... I am very eager now...

He wink his eyes and rushed towards his car...

He went in good speed and entered into the college campus...

He drive towards the parking area...

As Roli was going slow... she just was about to enter into the parking area...

Siddhant with a smile increased his speed and went near her two wheeler...

He stopped just in couple of inches distance...

Roli was shocked on sudden break sound and turned backside..

She saw him inside the car...

She was irritated...

She gave angry look and went to park her two wheeler...

He parked his car and rushed towards Roli who by now started walking from the parking area...

Siddhant: Oye.. you are also in this college only.. Good.. Nice to meet you in my college...

Roli turned her face and increased her walking speed...

Siddhant looked at the pony which was moving left and right as she move...

Siddhant: Oh Girl!!! you said you will turn me left and right while your pony is only turning left and right.. Did you thought i am your pony!!!

Roli: Will you please shut up... If you come my way again.. then i need to complaint about you to college management...

Siddhant: OMG!!! I got afraid... 

Siddhant laughed...

Roli gave angry look and rushed towards the college building...

Siddhant hault there for his friends...

Friend: Siddhant... leave that girl.. why are you behind her.. What if she complaint about you...

Siddhant: Let her do... i am least bothered...

Friend: Ok.. lets go to our class..

Siddhant: yes.. lets go...

Siddhant with his friends went to his class...

They occupied 2 rows of seats and started chatting between them having fun...

Other students too started coming one by one and class was getting filled with students...

They started making friends mutuatlly..

Siddhant was friendly to everyone and started mingling with new friends too easily...

The intro section between them about their previous qualifications were happening...

While they heard...

'Silence all.. Why class is noisy.. that too in the last seats...'

Siddhant was in the last bench while his friends were standing in the previous row...

Siddhant was unable to see the person who the voice belongs...

Slowly the previous row students started sitting in their places...

That is when Siddhant saw with widened eyes...

Yes.. the same girl... who he was teasing a lot in the road and in the parking area...

Roli eyes equally widened seeing him...

Roli was thinking... He is student of mine!!!

Roli as well as Siddhant shocked...

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