Part 8

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After 3 days...

Roli was coming towards college in the auto...

When she was coming... she saw that...

Yes... Corporation people were clearing the skidding mud from that place where she skid in the two wheeler...

Roli told the auto man to stop there for a while...

The person who finished the work went near Siddhant...

Person: Sir.. cleared the mud sir...

SIddhant: ok good... Take this...

He paid money to him and the person took the money happily and went from there...

Roli told the auto to move further to college...

Roli got down from auto which was now noticed by Siddhant...

Siddhant looked at her in the middle of his conversation with his friends...

Roli who got down from auto looked at Siddhant...

Then turned towards the college and went inside...

Siddhant: Friends.. lets go...

Siddhant too rushed towards the college...

He parked the vechicle and started walking while he saw Roli walking slowly...

Siddhant: How are you now???

Roli: I am fine... 

Siddhant: you might have taken 2 more days rest...

Roli: No.. its ok... I thank you again for that day help... but dont think i am ok with what you did...

Siddhant: oh ok... Again started.. I am ready... You too dont think i am going to leave you from turning font and back.. I just helped you that day as you got injured...

Roli: let me see what you do... remember i am your professor...

Siddhant: and i am your student.. how many time you remind me... you are telling this to remind me or remember yourselves... so that you wont sit in the class to attend it instead of teaching us...

Roli: Come on... i remember myself and what should i do very well... no need to tell me..or remind me...

Siddhant:it seems your legs not yet alright completely...

Roli:Yes it is paining a little... 

Siddhant: I dont know how you will manage to stand and teach the whole day like this...

Roli: No need for you to worry about it... i will take care...

Siddhant: Well.. anyway you only need to take care of course.. then what i will stand instead of you or what...

Roli: you seems to cleared the mud in that place it seems with the corporation people...

Siddhant: yes... so that no one skid there again... remember it was not done for you... it was done for others whoever travel in that road...

Roli: I too not expect you to clear the mud for me in the road... dont worry...

Siddhant: I knew it... you dont expect... drive carefully.. you should go away when you see such skidding mud right... who is suffering now...

Roli: I know that... no need for you to teach me driving... i took my driving license on my 18 years itself... by the way... thanks for clearing the mud...

SIddhant: Its ok... 

They reached near the staff room by now...

Roli entered into the staff room while Siddhant rushed towards his class to join his friends...

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