Part 18

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Roli who got up late swiftly got ready and rushed towards college...

Inspite of confusing her mind the whole night...

She was yet to arrive at any decision what is going on???

She parked the vehicle and looked around for his car...

She was wondering why her eyes are now searching for his car...

What bother her whether his car is there or not.. whether he is there or not...

Roli tried her best to divert her mind and marched towards her cabin in the staff room...

She was really missing Siddhant who used to walk with her all the way till she enter into staff room...

He used to make some or other conversion ending with his actual conversation...

She was not less in such conversation...

She too reply in his same statements and also end up with her actual conversation...

Now she is really missing such cute conversation...

By now she reached her cabin...

She kept her bag and drink some water to relax herself...

In few minutes.. she need to go to class...

She was not sure how she is going to face him...

Still she cant deny to even go...

He was right... atleast students got option to cut the class while professor got no such option too...

Roli took her notebook and started walking towards his class...

When she entered... automatically her eyes went to his sitting place which was still empty...

She went to her desk and kept her notebook...

The bell rang and that is when he entered into the class...

Siddhant: Excuse me...

Roli: Yes...

He just went to his place...

Roli started taking the attendance...

When turn of his name came...

Roli: Sid... Siddhant...

She lift her face to look at him...

Siddhant: yes... present...

Blunt reply came from him without expression or smile...

She finished taking the attendance and started taking the class...

After a while...

When she turned she can see him sitting restless...

After some more time...

He just got up and just rushed out of the class...

She was feeling bad...

She knows he was completely disturbed...

And again the reason behind is herself...

She diverted her mind in taking the class...

She finished the classes and went to her cabin...

Today she is sure he is not going to come to her...

He is angry... 

Roli had her lunch without any interest...

She finished having lunch and went to next classes...

She tried her best to concentrate on her class and was pushed the time till evening...

Once the college hours came to an end...

The next confusion started...

Whether he will come for dance practise...

Still if she go without coming for practise...

He is sure to get more anger...

Roli took her steps towards the room where they practise dance...

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