Part 25

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Roli was checking for his health condition with his friends...

She was relaxed as he is ok now and recovered...

After couple of days...

When Roli was going towards her two wheeler after college hours...

She heard the car sound which stopped near the parking area...

She looked at the direction of sound and found it belongs to Siddhant...

Roli face brightened...

Still she was afraid as he wont wish to see or talk to her...

Various expressions reflected on her face...

When she was about to take her two wheeler...

Siddhant opened the door of his car the other side of his seat in the front...

Siddhant: Roli... 

Roli looked at him and found the car door open...

She can understand the meaning of the open door and his calling...

ROli with hesitation walk towards the open door...

She entered into the car and closed the door...

Siddhant started the car and started driving...

Roli was wondering where they are going...

Moreover whether she can even talk to him...

Whether he will reply...

Nothing was clear for her...

Siddhant didn't even turn towards her...

He was just driving...

It was little long drive.. but went in complete silence...

Roli just looked at him through corner of her eyes...

But cant understand any of his expression...

But she cant afford to any misunderstanding now...

She remained silent...

But she need to inform home that she will be coming late...

She wonder what to do...

Finally she sent SMS to her parents that she will be coming late...

After almost an hour...

Siddhant stopped near a park...

He got down and looked at Roli...

Roli too got down and went behind him...

He went inside the park which was almost empty being it is little outer from the city...

He sat in the bench while Roli too sat leaving some space between them...

Siddhant looked at Roli...

While Roli without even able to understand what to do got only tears...

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