Part 6

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Next day...

Siddhant with his friends were standing near the bus stop like the previous day...

Roli was again coming that way...

She looked at the guys gang standing who she remembered laughed at her...

So she got tensed that she should not skid that day again...

This tension itself gave imbalance to her and in the same spot she got skid...

And today the tension didn't let her to even balance herself and she fall down from the vehicle itself...

She got scratches on her legs and hands...

Roli: Ooch... Ooch...

She was in pain...

Siddhant & friends who just turned on hearing the sound saw Roli fell down in the road with her vehicle...

Siddhant rushed towards her...

His one of friend took the two wheeler and parked it in a corner...

Siddhant forward his hand to help her to get up...

Roli showed angry face...

Siddhant: Come on... I just came to help you in get up and you are looking chilli hot.. what is this??? 

Roli: I dont want your help... infact because of you only i fell down today..

Siddhant: Oh!!! because of me... you are talking as if i pushed you while coming...

Roli: I dont want to talk to you...

Siddhant: Well... i am also not interested to talk to you... just got pity seeing you fell down that too on the road... I might have helped to even strangers in this condition while you are my teacher... i am your student... then how can i leave you like this... that is why came to help you...

ROli: No Thanks... I know about you.. I am not interested to take your help...

Siddhant: Well.. It seems like you did Phd on me... and derived that its dangerous to take help from me... 

Roli: yes i did...

Siddhant: Good.. then its your wish... be in the road as long as you want.. 

Siddhant looked at his friends...

Siddhant:Come on friends.. lets continue having fun instead of wasting time...

Siddhant took couple of steps from there and turned towards Roli...

She was trying to get up while the scratches on her legs & hands was not letting her to do.. 

She was unable to hold that injured hand and leg as it was paining...

She was struggling...

Siddhant was looking at her without moving further while other friends already reached their talking spot...

Roli gave pressure on her hand closing her eyes and biting her lips as it was paining...

But when her legs which was below her two wheeler was not letting her to give its support...

She was about to fall again...

That is when Siddhant rushed towards her...

He wrapped his hand around her waist and lift her from falling again...

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