Part 29

884 31 1

Roli got ready for college...

Of course taking extra care in dress up...

Why not her Siddhant is going to attend class after long time...

She got butterflies flying around her...

She swiftly got ready and rushed towards the college...

She parked her two wheeler while Siddhant car entered into the parking area...

She started moving towards her cabin while Siddhant joined her...

Siddhant: Good morning Mam... You looks beautiful today... How can i concentrate on class if you attract me towards you...

Roli: Good morning... Siddhant started in the morning itself... Remember we are in the college.. and i am your professor and you are my student...

Siddhant: Mam... i was notes for the classes which i missed... Then why you did all these extra dress up today to the college and that too being professor and myself being student...

Roli blushed...

Roli: You can come to my cabin now and take the notes...These dressings are not for the student inside the college... it is for my teacher who i meet after college hours.. you remember...

Siddhant: Ok mam... i will take xerox of the notes and give you... Oh Oh!!! Waiting for that beautiful evening...

By now they reached Roli cabin...

Roli gave her notes and Siddhant rushed out to take the xerox...

Roli came to Siddhant class...

She took attendance...

As usual.. when she was trying to tell his name...

She blushed and looked at him while he gave mischief smile...

She skipped his name and continued the attendance...

When she finished her attendance and was about to start the class...

Siddhant: Excuse me Mam...

Roli was wondering.. what happened now...

Siddhant got up from his place and started moving towards her...

Roli looked at the other students...

Roli was thinking.. OMG!!! Why he is coming here now... 

Roli face showed all her tension while Siddhant smiled...

He came near her and stood in front of her...

Roli: What happened???

Siddhant forward his hand with the notes...

Roli just now noticed the papers on his hand...

ROli: Oh!!! you came to return the notes... Ok...

Siddhant: yes mam... which i took from you.. I have taken xerox...

Siddhant turned against her... and took couple of steps...

Siddhant again turned towards her...

Siddhant: By the way... what you thought... why i came here...

He asked with mischief smile and look...

Roli looked around and her eyes requested him to keep quiet...

Roli: Nothing... i thought you are having some doubt...

Siddhant: Yes i do have.. but i will ask after college hours...

Siddhant went back to his seat...

Roli took breathe of relief and started her classes...

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